Win 3 Matches

Otherwise known as "to the victor"
I don't like this challenge so I avoid it completely but sometimes it takes awhile to get a different challenge. Is there a way to get a different challenge quicker?

Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on July 1, 2023 3:39AM
  • Cazador
    Sometimes you can drop the quest and pick up a different one. It might depend on if you've done one of the other ones already though.
  • sPark101
    Cazador wrote: »
    Sometimes you can drop the quest and pick up a different one. It might depend on if you've done one of the other ones already though.

    Ah yes I did the other two on my player already today, maybe it's a daily timer thing, I'll give it a try tomorrow.
  • jtm1018
    This is so hard to do, specially wit randoms.
    And the other teams is premade.
    I just abandon it and see if I can get 5 matches or 1k points matches.
  • ZOS_Hadeostry

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic, as it deals with Battleground activities.

    Thank you for your understanding
    Staff Post
  • mmtaniac
    This quest is hardest.
  • wilykcat
    I completed it a few weeks ago. It was difficult but then I figured it out. I finally got decent teammates and won 3 battlegrounds.
  • Soleya
    Really they should change the challenges to:
    Win 1 round
    Play 3 Rounds
    Contribution (keep the same)

    Can get contribution in a single match, having to win 3 or play 5 is just too much to even bother for a daily challenge.
  • Calastir
    STUN! STUN! STUN! DEAD...after which follows my looong trek across the field for more of the same...

    Finally after about 15 minutes of this punishment, both opposing teams get all the gear and loot to improve even further as usual, reducing my chances of ever winning even a single match next to zero.

    See here my average experience with BG. Nuff said why I hate this quest.
    Chaszmyr Do'Benrae (Dunmer Magsorc Vampire Infinity) ~ Dusk Doublespeak (Breton Magplar Werewolf) ~ Stan of Rimari (Nord Dragonknight Tank) ~ Bunto Kim Alhambra (Redguard Magplar Paladin) ~ Alicyankali (Argonian Magicka Necromancer Draugr Kin) ~ Gruuman Odinfan (Orsimer Magplar) ~ Boymans van Beuningen (Khajiit Stam Warden Bowzerker) ~ Flannelflail (Imperial Stamina Nightblade Brawler PVP) ~ Calastir (Altmer Stamina Dragonknight) ~ Sallystir (Bosmer Stam Warden Frostbite PVP) ~ Zalastir (Altmer Magicka Warden Ice Storm) ~ Capt Peach (Nord Stamcanist Crux Cannon) ~ PC EU ~ Flynt Westwood (Bosmer Magicka Dragonknight) ~ Chandu the Conjurer (Redguard Magcanist Rune Walker) ~ PC NA ~ since May 26th, 2021.
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