This was an issue for someone back in 2020 and seems to be an issue now.
I run around Tamriel buying cheap gear items to decon for the style mats, I would decon say 10 gear items and get 5-6 style mats, now I'm lucky to get 1 or 2 if any.
Other people are also pointing out RNG for drops such as nirncrux has plummeted. Also furnishing mats from nodes too. I must have harvested 40 rune nodes and got 3 mundane runes...someone said a there could be a bot that harvests only the mundane runes, but more likely it's a game glitch.
In many of your fixes, is it possible a fix for one thing corrupted another such as rng drop or deconstruct rng?
I noticed it a patch or two ago, but thought it would correct itself or a fluke, but more people are bring up the discussion in guild chats.