Hey there...
PC, NA (sorry not used to discerning)

Please understand, before i get more into my request, that i am not doing this lightly. That being said, please, curb negative comments.
i am hoping to find a few people (as of writing this, 5) with open guild slots that may want to help me out. i understand some people wish to remain
UNguilded for various reasons, and really, those are kinda the people that may be perfect lol
Just looking for some people to get my guild to the ten cap, so that i may unlock the ability to display my guild name under mine, and create a tabard.
All i need, is your name in a slot.
You don't have to do anything at all beyond that. You can even forget you're even in a guild. Feel free to turn the chat off, you won't be able to post in it anyway. Just have your name in there, as basically a little stuffing ghost.

Yes, i'm really the only one getting anything out of this arrangement, unless you count the warm fuzzies you'd potentially feel knowing you are helping someone out, and my utmost gratitude. Along the line if you ever need help with something, an item or whatever, if i'm able to help, course i'd be there, to the best of my ability to help.
Why am i doing this?
Because i have a dream... and have a 'Heavy RP' guild. Where only the most dedicated role-players are admitted. Harsh reality, is that there are not many of those people left nowadays. Old school role-players, like myself. So, it's taking much, much longer to buffer the ranks than i had originally hoped.

Part of my advertising strategy, is to have my guild name displayed, so those from the original game i came from, may recognize me, and inquire about the guild, as my current recruiting methods are not working as hoped.
Anyway... *kicks a pebble, and shrugs.* There isn't much i can really say... other than, i need some help, please.

Know, that, should i find actual RP guild members, i will send you a gushing thank you message for having helped, and set you free to go on your little ghostie way.
If you are willing to be a kind soul to help me out in this matter, please send me a PM here, or a mail in game, so i may add you in.
Thank you in advance for anyone even considering helping.
i will take this 'ad' down when i reach cap.
Lady Kat, from the Cheshire Cats.Interested in HEAVY RP? IC at -all- times?