Game Mechanics

Soul Shriven
First up, ToT is a great concept i feel but can be the most infuriating game ever developed.
It sometimes feels the the game has preslected who will win,
opponent gets good cards you get useless contract cards,
seems the game dosen't know how to shuffle,
Ranked Competive game scoring system is completly baffling, as for the ranking system...

why not have fixed points for a win and the concede penalty should be docked points rather than time
  • Trundik
    concede penalty should be docked points rather than time
    sounds sadistic and I hope it will never happen.
    the game dosen't know how to shuffle
    indeed, but real cards don't know it too, except if you have limited amount of cards. Technically game not supposed to solve your problems by shuffling good cards for you.

    Imo problem is somewhere in value of certain decks itself and in agents, which is expensive to negate. Sometimes opponent just spam you with them in early game and that literally means you do nothing except fightning agents while he buy new cards. Agent in most cases takes place of 1 card, leaving 4 cards for buy. But you must spend tonns of gold or power to drop enemy agents each round. Well its good if you have power cards but in early game you can't have them and if you have then you have less gold. Psijik curator worth 4 gold, which in beginning means - 4 gold cards. So basically if you get agent early its op and its just random. Or if you get contract agents like one by one and you already have some pool to buy cards at the same time. Agents aren't balanced.

    As former gwent player must say that gwent is more balanced, because if you take good card to your deck you then have less points to buy another cards to your deck. And here only random cares how good will be cards you will get. In most cases your strategy have lower impact on endgame than random and all that talking about adapting is more like fairy tales for simpletons
    Edited by Trundik on September 2, 2023 6:22PM
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