Today i was in a convo with some other players while playing a Sorc.
My first intention as i read about ESO and the "Play what and how you want" statement from the DEVs was ok. As a old Age of Conan player, i liked the idea behind a 2handed wielding Mage known as a "Herold of Xotli" in AoC.
So i grabed out a skill calculator and tried around. Ended up with a Breton Sorc with 5H/2L Armor equipment and a 2h Sword.
Using Dark Magic skills to increase passivly my Crit chance up to 15% + Mundus and Crit enchantment on Weapon i come around with 26-28% crit chance and my amor is crafetd VR10 gear with stamina enchantments (only Vendor atm because guild mates can only enchant up to VR9 atm.
but now the big problem. I have realy massivly problems in VR areas/quest with non CC able NPCs like bone skelletors (The big nasty ones, elite 12k HP+) and all this crappy things out there. So in the Convo today the mages put out some results from there DPS parsings using different addons for this. A few of them ending up to 700-900DPS on single target. When i parse my DPS i'm always ending up by only 200-280 DPS. As i saw this i guess there are only 2 possible reasons for this. The first one is. it is not possible to play everything you want as long as you want to be efficiency. The 2nd is that i'm just stucking in old structures of other MMOs like AoC or WoW and i can't figure out corectly how to play well here.
The biggest Problem atm for me is, that 2h uses a ton of Stamina and it takes so much time to regen stamina. Stam reg is at soft cap atm and stamina itselfs is buffed by around 1950.
I realy hope you can help me a littlebit to become a better player and not the next fully idiot in VR dungeons.
Thx to any anwsers here.