i have submitted reports to support but they dont have any motivation to purse this matter. Tried contaction zos admins here but couldnt because we cannot dm them, so i am making this thread to get attention.
As you know most of the alchemy reagents are coming from imperial city. You farm telvars then convert this telvars by buying parcels from imperial city merchants to large amounts of alchemy reagents. These sell for lots of gold.
in imperial city ps4 na , some people are working like a day job, everday to farm telvars. They are organized into groups, sliced imperial city into time zones ("work hours") and are only allowing their groups to farm telvars. if someone else comes and try to farm they call others from their group to kill them.
They dont get caught gold selling because of the method they use. They farm telvars with their main accounts, turn them into alchemy reagents or hakeijos, put them in guild bank , Use other accounts to get these mats and sell in real big trading guilds, put the gold comes to another guild bank , then delivery toons gets the coins and sends gold buyers.
i have also spotted their rotation they split imperial city like a cake. each group farms 4 hours in ps4 na at exactly same time everyday and 4 hours more at xbox na imperial city amounting 8 hours work every day. i know all of their names want to share. You can spot them buy yourself same people will be there everyday ,one group at utc 09.00 thru utc 13:00, another group at utc 13:00-17:00, another group utc 17:00:21:00 and so on.