Gold farmers "working" in imperial city.

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i have submitted reports to support but they dont have any motivation to purse this matter. Tried contaction zos admins here but couldnt because we cannot dm them, so i am making this thread to get attention.
As you know most of the alchemy reagents are coming from imperial city. You farm telvars then convert this telvars by buying parcels from imperial city merchants to large amounts of alchemy reagents. These sell for lots of gold.
in imperial city ps4 na , some people are working like a day job, everday to farm telvars. They are organized into groups, sliced imperial city into time zones ("work hours") and are only allowing their groups to farm telvars. if someone else comes and try to farm they call others from their group to kill them.
They dont get caught gold selling because of the method they use. They farm telvars with their main accounts, turn them into alchemy reagents or hakeijos, put them in guild bank , Use other accounts to get these mats and sell in real big trading guilds, put the gold comes to another guild bank , then delivery toons gets the coins and sends gold buyers.

i have also spotted their rotation they split imperial city like a cake. each group farms 4 hours in ps4 na at exactly same time everyday and 4 hours more at xbox na imperial city amounting 8 hours work every day. i know all of their names want to share. You can spot them buy yourself same people will be there everyday ,one group at utc 09.00 thru utc 13:00, another group at utc 13:00-17:00, another group utc 17:00:21:00 and so on.
  • zaria
    Lots of guilds has IC guild runs at fixed hours. Now standard is to rotate on the map as you often also do the daily quests.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • SilentHil
    they dont do dailies, trust me their only motivation is farm. And only 3 ppl in each sub group.
  • SilentHil
    And this is strictly on ps4 xbox nocp imperial cities.
  • Vaqual
    gank them?
  • SilentHil
    if you try to gank them they put a person with your faction to alert if you go near them. if you try to farm with them they call their members to gank you. lol. They are like cancer .
  • Beilin_Balreis_Colcan
    So, they're effectively laundering game currency and getting away with it? I think I just lost a little more faith in ZOS. :(
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • Lumenn
    vsrs_au wrote: »
    So, they're effectively laundering game currency and getting away with it? I think I just lost a little more faith in ZOS. :(

    While I don't know about this specific incident, I know it happens. At least these people are actually there instead of letting bots run...(for clarification, I don't agree with either gold selling OR bots)

    It's pretty common though with any(online) game with a profit to be made(even elden ring had "gold" sellers I believe?) And there was a quick blurp in a previous game I played that had a couple of the actual developers in on THEIR gold selling issue. Even games with no economy at all, everything be no drop(bind on pickup) you'll get hacks to character stats like dragon's dogma did back in the day. As far as ESO goes I'm not sure if zos will put forth the finances to fix their issues but I can hope so.
    Always the same players i meet in IC on ps5eu but they own several big trading guilds so I dont think they sell gold
    Get a crew togheter and go to IC and kill them lol
  • NordSwordnBoard
    Hang on a minute. It's organized players farming tel var to eventually end up with gold or crowns? This doesn't need to be laundered. If irl cash is being exchanged, that's different. You could sell emperor titles for gold, or trial things for gold or crowns. I also thought gifting was different now.

    I don't see an issue other than I've experienced it myself and it is frustrating to have IC be full of that behavior when you want tel var too.
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • Dagoth_Rac
    Do they farm Tel Var in the sewers? The city itself is better for farming because the patrolling horrors give a lot of Tel Var on kill. So better income stream than killing trash in the sewers. But if they are only rotating through the upper city districts, there is the possibility to still earn Tel Var in the sewers.
  • Lumenn
    If irl cash is being exchanged, that's different.

    That is the claim OP is making actually. As to how OP knows this to be true idk, but as I said before it wouldn't surprise me. Bots have done it for years and it wouldn't take many people working together to set up and corner several systems in the game.
  • Twohothardware
    What Alliance are they on? You say they’re only in no cp? Do they farm sewers or the above ground city area? I’m on PS5 NA
    Edited by Twohothardware on August 9, 2023 2:50PM
  • sbam66
    this has been known for years. you’ll never stop them. you will give up before they do & they know that. there are better ways spend time Eso. It’s a losing battle vs them in no cp ic, move on.
  • EF321
    Sounds like IC needs faction lock or something like that.
  • SilentHil
    What Alliance are they on? You say they’re only in no cp? Do they farm sewers or the above ground city area? I’m on PS5 NA

    They have toons from every faction,gankers from every faction.Yes nocp IC.
    sbam66 wrote: »
    this has been known for years. you’ll never stop them. you will give up before they do & they know that. there are better ways spend time Eso. It’s a losing battle vs them in no cp ic, move on.

    Yea but its so frustrating that they own imperial city. They own all alchemy reagent and hakeijo market. Its just wrong. A normal player has zero chance of having fun in IC let alone farming telvars for polymorphs or storage boxes..

  • zaria
    Lumenn wrote: »

    That is the claim OP is making actually. As to how OP knows this to be true idk, but as I said before it wouldn't surprise me. Bots have done it for years and it wouldn't take many people working together to set up and corner several systems in the game.
    I don't think bots would do well in an PvP environment :)
    I also don't think this is gold farmers but some organized PvP guild running an strategy who sounds decent.
    You spread out so all get tel-var, but if attacked you ball up.

    They go no-cp as its less popular and you are less likely to run into other organized PvP groups.
    The issue farming tel-var for income is that you need to hold quite a bit and and you need to port out to bank it who take time.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Lumenn
    zaria wrote: »
    I don't think bots would do well in an PvP environment :)

    Bots have been working for gold farmers for years.(see my previous post on gold selling operations) In pvp? No, probably not yet(not far off with AI I'd bet) so it would still need a small group of people working together......

    If what OP claims is true I'm wondering if it's a new to ESO group that's found the usual gold farms cornered or if it's just a "squeezing the rock" type of deal. I'd assume the pvp route to be less profitable than bot farmers but maybe I'm underestimating how many people buy reagents/hakeijos. It COULD be gold sellers, but I'd be quicker to believe it's just an efficient guild cornering an area.

    @SilentHil what's your basis in claiming these are gold sellers vs a group of people making gold? Mind you as I said I wouldn't be SURPRISED, Im just wondering if the gold selling part is confirmed or is it suspicion.

    Edited by Lumenn on August 9, 2023 7:26PM
  • Necrotech_Master
    zaria wrote: »
    I don't think bots would do well in an PvP environment :)
    I also don't think this is gold farmers but some organized PvP guild running an strategy who sounds decent.
    You spread out so all get tel-var, but if attacked you ball up.

    They go no-cp as its less popular and you are less likely to run into other organized PvP groups.
    The issue farming tel-var for income is that you need to hold quite a bit and and you need to port out to bank it who take time.

    it actually only takes like a couple minutes to dump tel var into the bank from anywhere in IC
    1. queue for cyro
    2. queue back into IC once you load into cyro
    3. drop tel var in the bank once loaded back in IC
    4. go back to surface to continue farming
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • Oblivion_Protocol
    Unless you have abject proof that these people are selling gold for irl money, you’re just running into groups farming tel var for high-end mats, which we all do. ZOS isn’t going to drop the ban hammer on people farming a zone unless you can show that they are doing something that violates the tos.
  • El_Borracho

    it actually only takes like a couple minutes to dump tel var into the bank from anywhere in IC
    1. queue for cyro
    2. queue back into IC once you load into cyro
    3. drop tel var in the bank once loaded back in IC
    4. go back to surface to continue farming

    Yep. Its what I do when I get a nice bundle of Tel Var from killing a horror or two
  • Twohothardware
    SilentHil wrote: »

    They have toons from every faction,gankers from every faction.Yes nocp IC.

    Yea but its so frustrating that they own imperial city. They own all alchemy reagent and hakeijo market. Its just wrong. A normal player has zero chance of having fun in IC let alone farming telvars for polymorphs or storage boxes..

    What is your cp level? I’m guessing your low cp.

    Go play the main CP enabled Imperial City where this group isn’t.

  • BahometZ
    I agree it's frustrating to encounter these sorts of gatekeeping groups, a syndicate comes to mind. But I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with that behaviour, they are playing the game and have focussed their attention on this aspect specifically to reap the rewards of it. Not much different from farming motifs and materials in PvE content. It's just that that behaviour is collaborative and positive, you aren't denying others whilst gaining. PvP is competitive and negative, you aren't just denying, you are taking from others. So obviously it promotes more bitterness and distaste.

    Also there's just something so slimy about the people who do it, I can just imagine them being smug about how gangsta they think they're being. Let the babies have their bottle I say.
    Pact Magplar - Max CP (NA XB)
  • Dr_Con
    not all gold farmers are selling it for irl cash, many of the trader guilds have dedicated IC runs to gaining tel'var.
  • Zabagad
    I'm not watching all these streamers (I don't even know if there are streamers on consoles? I only watch 1-2 times a year one streamer), but if a good PvP-streamer would announce here that he/she/it will fight against this sydicate I'm in :)

    Should be a nice stream if they "call their members" and sounds like a lot of action which (I guess) all streamers are always looking for...
    PC EU (noCP AD) Grey/Grau AD
    Please raise the population caps.
    @ZOS - Convert the heal on "Hardened Ward" into a HoT pls.
  • SilentHil
    Dr_Con wrote: »
    not all gold farmers are selling it for irl cash, many of the trader guilds have dedicated IC runs to gaining tel'var.

    i am %100 positive these ppl are there for real $. This has been going on for years. a little investigation of their accounts surely would confirm that. But support ppl dont bother.

    The problem is that because of them no legitimate player can farm.
  • El_Borracho
    SilentHil wrote: »

    i am %100 positive these ppl are there for real $. This has been going on for years. a little investigation of their accounts surely would confirm that. But support ppl dont bother.

    The problem is that because of them no legitimate player can farm.

    Maybe, but I know my guild does it for the Tel Var for people who are trying to get the Powerful Assault ice staff, either for themselves, or to sell it for outrageous prices.

    But good luck getting rid of the farmers. Seems the only thing the devs will jump on is destroying a set like Plaguebreak because people have found out they can use it in PVE
  • Cast_El
    Time or make a bomber if you don't have one...
  • boi_anachronism_

    it actually only takes like a couple minutes to dump tel var into the bank from anywhere in IC
    1. queue for cyro
    2. queue back into IC once you load into cyro
    3. drop tel var in the bank once loaded back in IC
    4. go back to surface to continue farming

    Much easier to just run to the white gold tower dungeon door, pop in pull out a banker, dump tel var, que back in.
  • Dr_Con
    SilentHil wrote: »

    i am %100 positive these ppl are there for real $. This has been going on for years. a little investigation of their accounts surely would confirm that. But support ppl dont bother.

    The problem is that because of them no legitimate player can farm.

    dang 100%? zos should really look into these allegations then.
    Edited by Dr_Con on August 11, 2023 11:03PM
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