I use a controller with lots of addons on a PC. I have an addon that tracks which characters have learned which recipes and motifs. Not sure if this caused the issue but when I'm in the bank looking at recipes I can't see the entire recipe window. I've got 10 toons and all of their names appear at the bottom of the recipe. Their names are highlighted if they require the recipe. I can't see the last few names because the window is too big.
If I go to the video settings and turn on UI scaling I can shrink the window enough to see all of the names.
The issue is that the UI scaling shuts off and resets each time I log out. It's frustrating to have to exit the bank, change the UI scaling, and then return to the bank to see who needs the recipe.
Is there a chat window command that I can type in to activate UI scaling? If so, I can make a one button macro and fix the issue. Or perhaps a setting file that I can manually edit?
Edited by ZOS_Icy on July 28, 2023 5:37PM