I can lose or win just one game and go from top 25% to top 70%, or rank 150 to 700 or back the other way.
is this to do with more players winning? Less players? How does this work?
I have touched on this in a few posts. The current ranking system is based on chess. Your score changes based on the difference between the two players and who wins/loses (capped at max gain loss of 150 points). The rank is set based on your total points. You can look at my posts such as June Results to see how fast we can change.
The chess system is for a game with no RNG or luck. There is no randomness in where the queen sits, how many rooks you have, etc.
Our ranking system needs to change to one which recognizes RNG and luck. That takes multiple games against the same player to work out true ranking.
Not only is our ranking system wrong, but it also allows for the exploitation of the leaderboards.
Does ZOS respond or acknowledge this? Nope - not to date anyway.