[SUGGESTION] New winning condition: Collect more power within given individual time

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
I suggest following:

Each player gets the same total play time (example: 10 minutes). Turns go like now and are still limted to 90sec like now.

For each player a timer counts down from the original total time (example here: 10min). This counter only counts when it is the player's turn. Like the chess clock. When the timer reaches zero that player can no longer play OR as an ALTERNATIVE implementation can play but no longer get power. In the later case the player whose timer is already up could buy cards so that his opponent no longer can grab them or manipulate the opponents cards by Alma or whatever but not improve his power.

Now the objective is to collect more power than your opponent within your time slot. A player who can play fast hence can make more turns than a player who takes more time.

So the maximum match duration would be twice the timer. In the case of 10 min timer it would be 20min. Of course the shorter the timer the shorter the total time of a match.

Of course patron victories should still be possible.

But it could at least remove the 80 point drop dead victory condition that feels bad.
Edited by AnduinTryggva on July 18, 2023 7:10PM
  • rbfrgsp
    You're suggesting two totally different game modes here, not one. Either turns are 90 seconds, or there is an ongoing ten minute player clock. Not both.

    If you have a 10 min game with 90 seconds a turn, then all games are 3 turns each with the game ending a minute into player one's fourth turn. Your final score would be about 8-3. That would be rubbish.

    If you have an ongoing clock and you pick up a power card on turn one or two and your opponent decides the game is already over, then they can stall you for a full ten minutes and there's nothing you can do about it and the game lasts longer than it would do under the current ruleset.

    People asking for the current game to change rarely check the flaws in their own suggestions. But clearly, these ideas make the game much worse than it is right now.
  • AnduinTryggva
    Some people rarely read the entire post or understand it.

    You seemed to have missed the key word "chess clock" in my suggestion.

    Each player has a global timer that counts down during his turn.

    Since apparently you have not well understood I will explain with the help of an example.

    I take the global timer to be 9 min. Turn time is still 90s.

    Turn 1: Both players use full turn time
    Player 1 starts with timer 9 min and ends with timer 7min 30s.
    Player 2 starts with timer 9 min and ends with timer 7min 30s.

    Turn 2: Player 2 ends his turn after 1min
    Player 1 starts with timer 7min 30s and ends with timer 6 min.
    Player 2 starts with timer 7 min 30s and ends with timer 6 min 30s.

    Turn 3: Player 2 ends his turn after 1min
    Player 1 starts with timer 6min and ends with timer 4 min 30s.
    Player 2 starts with timer 6 min 30s and ends with timer 5 min 30s.

    Turn 4: Player 2 ends his turn after 1min
    Player 1 starts with timer 4min 30s and ends with timer 3 min.
    Player 2 starts with timer 5 min 30s and ends with timer 4 min 30s.

    Turn 5: Player 2 ends his turn after 1min
    Player 1 starts with timer 3min and ends with timer 1 min 30s.
    Player 2 starts with timer 4 min 30s and ends with timer 3 min 30s.

    Turn 6: Player 2 ends his turn after 1min
    Player 1 starts with timer 1min 30s and ends with timer 0.
    Player 2 starts with timer 3 min 30s and ends with timer 2 min 30s.

    Turn 7: Player 2 ends his turn after 1min
    Player 1 can no longer generate power
    Player 2 starts with timer 2 min 30s and ends with timer 1 min 30s.

    Turn 8: Player 2 ends his turn after 1min
    Player 1 can no longer generate power
    Player 2 starts with timer 1 min 30s and ends with timer 30s.

    Turn 9: Player 2 now has a final turn that ends within 30s
    Player 1 can no longer generate power
    Player 2 starts with timer 30s and ends with timer 0.
  • rbfrgsp
    I read the keyword "chess clock", and that was what made no sense. In chess, you can take as long as you want each move, but doing so means you are likely to run out of time quicker than a fast-moving opponent.

    "Chess clock+90 second turns" is not a chess clock.

    It's basically what we have now, but with an arbitrary cut-off timer instead of an arbitrary cut-off score (80pts). In fact, the timer is a much worse and less satisfying idea than the 80pt sudden death rule you were trying to fix.
  • Necrotech_Master
    more timers would even further put me off playing pvp tribute and i already hate playing pvp tribute (ive only done so for card upgrades lol)
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
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