Hello, I am not sure if anyone is having this issue, but since recently (maybe for a week now), whenever I do a /reloadui or just log out, my screen freezes for like 10-15 seconds before the loading screen.
The game runs fine, with 30+ FPS and, as I mentioned, it is only like this since recently.
I am wondering if it can be one of the addons (or more) causing this, or, if it is for others too, maybe it was done by a patch.
I did a full disc defragmenting like 10-14 days ago, I doubt it would have caused this.
I do not have too many addons, the one that I can imagine that it might be causing it (though I doubt) is Librarian, as it stores all the books and readable stuff I collected and, by time, it grows of course but the game only slows down when I scroll through the collected material.
My specs (although I really doubt it has anything to do with it as it was fine until recently):
Intel Core i7 2.2GHz
Nvidia GeForce GT 740M
The addons I use (I will mark with an asterix the ones I added recently, in the past 2 weeks)
- Alchemist
- BankStuffer
- CraftResearchTimer (hmm I should get rid of either this or the previous, though they both have been around for some time so I doubt they cause any conflict)
- GuildStoreSearch
- insjunkyard
- insshardwatch
- ItemSaver* (Added today so it is definitely not this one)
- Librarian
- mhFramework
- mhOutfitter
- RainbowReticle*
- ResearchAssistant
- SkyShards
- SlightlyImprovedExperienceBar
- SousChef
- TamrielTime
And that`s it. Most of what I added recently were 2 weeks ago anyway.
Edit: Oh and I did notice more crashes for a few days now. Like 3-5 a day.
Edited by Csub on May 6, 2014 1:45PM
"The Divines gave you a nose for a reason, Tharn. So you can keep your mouth shut and still keep breathing. - Lyris Titanborn