In case you don't know, the main questline step "The Tharn Speaks" where you are supposed to talk to Abner Tharn in the Mage's guild gets blocked if you have the prologue quest "The Demon Weapon" in your inventory. You need to abandon that quest before you can proceed with the main quest. And then after abandoning it, if you choose the wrong Abner Tharn to speak to (Yes, he appears twice inside the Mage's guild. At the same time)
There is no way any new player would ever know this. This has been in the game for over three years now and has never been fixed. That's simply flabbergasting to me. Something that can actually block main quest progression has not been fixed in years...
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on July 8, 2023 3:38AM As of 2-10-25 I will no longer be posting on these forums.