I know this was to fix a dupe bug but it has turned bank maintenance into a daily huge pain in my rear.
I log out for the night, 16hrs later I come back and our bank has blossomed from 250-260 items to almost full at 490...day after day. I then spend an hour moving crap out of the bank, restacking, moving it back, over and over...
Last night I logged in and the bank was at 493 items, I restacked and it droped to 217.
When are you guys going to fix this?
Or bump the bank back up to 1000 items so I don't have to do this daily...
Between struggling with my personal inventory for an hour moving junk between characters while still trying not to fill up the anemic 100 shared bank slots, this just puts it over the top.
I love the game, but was so frustrated having to do this AGAIN last night, that I really did nearly just quit for the night. String a few of those nights together and I may or may not want to log back in.
This really is a big deal, might not seem like it for some people, but it is.
--- HuntGod ---
Officer of the Unrepentant