Addon is causing an incessant, rhythmic clicking sound

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
I use all the most popular addons and I keep them updated with Minion. Within the past few days some addon is causing an incessant clicking sound and I can't figure out what it is. I perfer not to go thru the torturous process of disabling them and then re-enabling them a few at a time to figure out which one is the culprit. I figured I would ask and see if anyone else has encountered the same problem.

BTW I use Combat Metronome and have confirmed the ticking sound is disabled for that addon.

  • Chilly-McFreeze
    Would help if you screenshot your addon list
  • Rescorla_ESO
  • Baertram
    Did you try to disable Combat Metronome if it got an extra sound that could cause it? Maybe the setting is just not working.
    Else I'd start to disable combat or fighting related addons at first, like the weave addon and so on. I never had it happen e.g. that crafting related addons play any repeating sounds.
    Edited by Baertram on May 15, 2021 5:17PM
  • furiouslog
    There was something going on with Combat Metronome and RDK that took forever to figure out. I had to make some library adjustment, but I don't remember it. I made it go away in RDK also by turning networking off and on again.
  • madcattery
    Soul Shriven
    Bandit's has a few things that make noises, you could check that one's settings as well.
  • Xenomorphette
    Soul Shriven
    It was Bandit's User Interface and the way to fix it was to disable Share Stats under Group Frame in Addon Settings.
  • Mooncake
    It was Bandit's User Interface and the way to fix it was to disable Share Stats under Group Frame in Addon Settings.

    Hello. I'm having the same problem (only during group dungeons, though) but this doesn't fix it.

    In fact, I checked the settings after reading this thread and turns out it's been disabled all along.


    Please, anyone knows any other addon that might be causing this annoying clicking sound? It's very distracting.

    Lyris Titanborn says: Sai! Your sword! It's working!
    Lyris Titanborn says: Sai! That's amazing!
  • M0R_Gaming
    Mooncake wrote: »

    Hello. I'm having the same problem (only during group dungeons, though) but this doesn't fix it.

    In fact, I checked the settings after reading this thread and turns out it's been disabled all along.


    Please, anyone knows any other addon that might be causing this annoying clicking sound? It's very distracting.


    The usual suspects are any addons that use the world map to transmit data:
    - Bandits User Interface
    - RdK Group Tool
    - Hodor's Reflexes
    - Artaeum Group Tool
    - Piece of Candy
    - More that I can't remember off the top of my head

    Check if you have any of these installed. Addons that cause this clicking usually use LibMapPing.
    • PC/NA - PvP/PvE AD Magsorc main
    • Former Emp, All HMs but DSR
    My addons
  • CBixby
    Mooncake wrote: »

    Hello. I'm having the same problem (only during group dungeons, though) but this doesn't fix it.

    In fact, I checked the settings after reading this thread and turns out it's been disabled all along.


    Please, anyone knows any other addon that might be causing this annoying clicking sound? It's very distracting.


    same here - I just enabled it and it went away
  • Aggrovious
    CBixby wrote: »

    same here - I just enabled it and it went away

    I found out what it was. When I or a group member dies, I have the lock picking death sound playing. Simply turn it to no sound





    Making a game fun should be a priority. Making a game balanced should not come at the expense of fun.
  • Masteroshi430
    Apparently you don't know I have published a maintained version of Personal assistant with more features:

    @Masteroshi430 PC/EU (old French guy playing in English & addon author/maintainer) My addons
    Deshaan Honeydew Hors D'Oeuvre <<< FIX THAT TYPO GODDAMMIT!
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