HarvestMap Update?

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
Last time I checked ESOUI this add-on had not been updated yet. Is there another add-on that does pretty much the same thing?
  • Aislinna
    HarvestMap still works great for me.
  • aleksandr_ESO
    Treemagnet wrote: »
    Last time I checked ESOUI this add-on had not been updated yet. Is there another add-on that does pretty much the same thing?
    why update it? nothing changed in addon api
  • Baertram
    Treemagnet wrote: »
    Last time I checked ESOUI this add-on had not been updated yet. Is there another add-on that does pretty much the same thing?

    Any reason why you need t update a working addon?
    Do you get any error message? Report it here then please: https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info57-HarvestMap.html#comments

    Else you can follow the simple rule:
    Check for addon and library updates once before playing or at least once a week. If bugs are known check more often as they might get fixed every minute/hour.

    If addons are "outdated" and the game says you got old addons: Use them until they break. Outdated or old does not tell you if an addon works or not.
    All explained here e.g.: https://www.esoui.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9295

    Updating it just to make it show "hey, I'm updated" makes many addon devs and ESOUI staff and others go mad because there would be thousands of things to check and do and espeically time to invest for that not-needed process.

    Enjoy the addons and if you encounter a bug report it to the developer at the addon comments as best, at www.esoui.com, like explained here:
    Edited by Baertram on June 20, 2023 4:28PM
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