I just saw the game glitch and let someone I was bashing 24/7 get the relic for no apparent reason other than he must have been spamming the button to pick it up so much that there ignored my bashes. Put the 3 second cooldown on and make them fight for it. There's a reason why there is a team event. This wasn't even on my side either. Teammate was coming up with the other relic and said he saw it on the ground and he touched it but it didn't count it. So something on ZOS side happened. This reminds me of the time when someone died taking the elder scroll and spawned with it in the starting area of cyro. Luckily, they had sense and threw themselves far deep into the slaughterfish territory so it could respawn back at the location.
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on June 5, 2023 2:20AM