There needs to be a 3 second cooldown to regrab after someone is bashed off a relic.

I just saw the game glitch and let someone I was bashing 24/7 get the relic for no apparent reason other than he must have been spamming the button to pick it up so much that there ignored my bashes. Put the 3 second cooldown on and make them fight for it. There's a reason why there is a team event. This wasn't even on my side either. Teammate was coming up with the other relic and said he saw it on the ground and he touched it but it didn't count it. So something on ZOS side happened. This reminds me of the time when someone died taking the elder scroll and spawned with it in the starting area of cyro. Luckily, they had sense and threw themselves far deep into the slaughterfish territory so it could respawn back at the location.
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on June 5, 2023 2:20AM
  • PeacefulAnarchy
    There's an animation to pick up the relic, you can't just spam the pick up button to take it. There are a few potions and skills that keep you from being interrupted.
  • Vevvev
    Immoveability potion gives you crowd control immunity which'll let you grab the relic while being bashed unhindered.

    It's a strategy people use, and one I adopted as well back when I played BG's more frequently. It feels very cheesy to do, but it's effectiveness is absolutely stellar.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • OBJnoob
    Without having seen it myself I kinda suspect it wasn't a glitch but rather the person used an immovability potion. I think a lot of us would like this to change so... I'm on your side. Immovability potions are awesome and needed-- I'm not hating on them-- I just don't think you should be able to pick up objectives with it.
  • jaws343
    OBJnoob wrote: »
    Without having seen it myself I kinda suspect it wasn't a glitch but rather the person used an immovability potion. I think a lot of us would like this to change so... I'm on your side. Immovability potions are awesome and needed-- I'm not hating on them-- I just don't think you should be able to pick up objectives with it.

    Yeah, make them not work. Orrr, let me streak while carrying the relic and chaos ball.
  • jle30303
    this is pvp. don't bash them to stop them carrying it, kill them *while* they are carrying it and get the credit and achievement for killing a relic carrier.
  • ZOS_Hadeostry

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic.

    Thank you for your understanding
    Staff Post
  • Dr_Con
    Being unable to be bashed while picking up a relic doesn't sound like good game design, which leads me to believe this is unintended.

    +1 for change.
  • xDeusEJRx
    I'm okay with such a change, capture the relic right seems like a competition who's speedier and if you can outbash the enemy before they can spam click to grab the relic.
    Solo PvP'er PS5 NA player

    90% of my body is made of Magblade
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    Example #25493 of why the BG gamemodes are poorly balanced.
  • OBJnoob
    Example #25493 of why the BG gamemodes are poorly balanced.

    Yes, it is a good example of something wrong with objective BGs. And there are more that could be named.

    It is nice though sometimes to deal with that problem instead of the problem of unkillable brawler blobs that Deathmatch brings out. If I wanted that all the time I'd just go to CP Cyrodiil.

    The game as a whole has lots of balance issues. Getting rid of diversity isn't the answer.
  • El_Borracho
    Capture the Relic is the groan-worthy BG. Its your team is either running away with the match or not. Its also the home of the 40K warden cheese build that sits on the relic.
  • RealLoveBVB
    They removed the ability to pick up relics with immo pots a while ago already.
    Same counts for the set, which makes you immune to any damage when in block for 3 seconds.

    The scenerario mentioned above is actually a real bug. The relic-grabber is spamming E, this makes him stuck in the grab-animation and he takes the relic after some time, eventho he was interrupted the whole time.

    For the ones demanding to fight for the relic: no, I am not going to fight a block tank build.
  • techprince
    There is a bug when you get interrupted frequently. Sometimes the animation and sound doesn't play at all. You will think they are just standing there but in fact they were capturing.
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