The problem with not supporting addons.

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
Soul Shriven
I'm sure this has probably been posted an insane number of times, however, I don't look at forums that often so I missed it.
I've just recently come back to the game and found out that one of my addons turned my language to Korean and I had to remove
all of my add-ons to see the game in English again.

I never changed the language in the game and I wasn't even sure how to do it until I looked it up. Needless to say whenever I download
Dolgubon's writ crafter addon turned my game language to Korean. I even went as far as to uninstall ESO, and Minion with Revo uninstaller and went
through every file folder I could find, and deleted anything related to ESO. I even uninstalled Skyrim and Steam.

I went to support about it and their response was we don't support add ons don't use them and you won't have problems GLHF. I hate to
be the one to break it to you Zenimax. Now, I can understand their point, but what I don't understand is why do you not just make all the most popular
add-ons base.

I have never been a huge ESO player. I come back for a month or two here and there and for the most part stay away, but I couldn't imagine trying to
play this game on the Xbox or PlayStation. Could you imagine trying to gather sky shards or lore books without the add-ons? Or, doing daily writs on 10
characters without Dolgubon's?

There isn't even an in-game damage meter, yet they expect raiders to raid without one? Come on please make these add-ons base!
Edited by ZOS_Kraken on May 30, 2023 7:34PM
  • ZOS_Kraken

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Staff Post
  • Soarora
    They do make base-game additions to popular addons every 4th quarter I think. As for the addon in question, ask on the addon page on esoui or whatever. ZOS can’t help, it’s the addon.
    Edited by Soarora on May 30, 2023 8:03PM
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
    • CP 2000+
    • Warden Healer - Arcanist Healer - Warden Brittleden - Stamarc - Sorc Tank - Necro Tank - Templar Tank - Arcanist Tank
    • Trials: 9/12 HMs - 3/8 Tris
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    • All Veterans completed!

      View my builds!
  • Necrotech_Master
    the "base game dps meter" would be target dummies, as those output in chat your dps (though there have been issues with this)

    ive never heard of anyone else using lazy writ crafter to experience this issue

    im not even entirely sure where the option is to change the language of the game is lol
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • SilverBride
    For The Elder Scrolls Online on PC/Mac, you can switch languages for the game by clicking on the gear-shaped icon on the top-right of the ESO Launcher and selecting a language from the dropdown settings menu.
  • Necrotech_Master
    For The Elder Scrolls Online on PC/Mac, you can switch languages for the game by clicking on the gear-shaped icon on the top-right of the ESO Launcher and selecting a language from the dropdown settings menu.


    if its a setting from the launcher, the OP issue certainly is not caused by the addon
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • SilverBride
    Lazy Writ Crafter has multiple patches that support the add-on in different languages. The OP may have installed the one that supports the Korean language.
  • Necrotech_Master
    Lazy Writ Crafter has multiple patches that support the add-on in different languages. The OP may have installed the one that supports the Korean language.

    if that was the case, wouldnt it only affect that one addon and not the entirety of their game (as the way im interpreting what they are describing)

    but if they said they fixed it by removing addons, then i would agree it would be the most likely culprit
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • SilverBride
    I'm not sure how the patch would work and if it would only change the add-on to Korean. It would be interesting to find out, though.
  • MeShepard
    Soul Shriven

    if that were the case, wouldn't it only affect that one addon and not the entirety of their game (as the way I'm interpreting what they are describing)

    but if they said they fixed it by removing add-ons, then I would agree it would be the most likely culprit

    I indeed did install the language conversion addon by accident, however, I have since removed said addon and in addition, I did go to that wheel to set the game language and it was still set to English. I changed the language to something else logged out then changed it back to English and still no change.

    I actually logged in again after uninstalling and reinstalling the game and add-ons this time only 1 add-on a time. When I got to Dolgubon's again the error message came up with an "apply auto fix" option. I clicked and boom it fixed itself lol. Sorry to bother you guys for this.
  • MeShepard
    Soul Shriven
    Soarora wrote: »
    They do make base-game additions to popular addons every 4th quarter I think. As for the addon in question, ask on the addon page on esoui or whatever. ZOS can’t help, it’s the addon.

    This is great news! but why haven't they added sky shards and lore books yet? Those have to be the 2 most popular add ons ever right?
  • jaws343
    MeShepard wrote: »

    This is great news! but why haven't they added sky shards and lore books yet? Those have to be the 2 most popular add ons ever right?

    Probably because their intent with those things is that players explore and find them naturally.

    I'm actually more surprised that they allow add-ons that eliminate that in the first place.
  • Baertram


    if its a setting from the launcher, the OP issue certainly is not caused by the addon
    There is no korean in base game languages do this is an addon you have installed, more precisely you have installed a language patch for any addon which did change text to another language. Watch out which addon you download, especially via Minion! In the name there is a hint then like KR patch or similar.

    If you experience any problems just disable ALL addons ingame with the checkbox at the top left of the addon manager.
    Or at character selection disable all addons there for all chars.

    You can also use this script (type into the chat editbix and press return key) ingame to change your language to English:

    /script SetCVar("language.2", "en")

    Other language codes supported by ESO base game are:

    de German
    en English
    es Spanish
    fr French
    ru Russian
    zh Chinese
    Edited by Baertram on May 31, 2023 6:50AM
  • Beilin_Balreis_Colcan
    MeShepard wrote: »

    This is great news! but why haven't they added sky shards and lore books yet? Those have to be the 2 most popular add ons ever right?
    Skyshard information was added in update 32, quite a while ago now.
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • danno8
    jaws343 wrote: »

    Probably because their intent with those things is that players explore and find them naturally.

    I'm actually more surprised that they allow add-ons that eliminate that in the first place.

    ZoS probably realizes that those who want to find the Skyshards quickly will simply alt-tab to a map of the zone anyway, so why get in the way of an addon that simply eliminates the need for alt-tabbing.

    For those who want to find and explore the zones naturally they wouldn't be using an addon anyway so everyone gets what they want. That makes happy customers!
  • Baertram
    Beside that you can disable all the map pins at the map filters to hide all that extra info, so there is a way to play the game for each of us individually (which is the best to do imo).

    Without addons e.g. I'd have stoped playing it years ago :p
  • HawkFest
    Just my 2 cents regarding language swap... It's probably unrelated to the OP's problem (or is it? idk). But from patch to patch, a couple of times my game's language, which is French, was changed to Spanish. Sometimes it wasn't even involving the whole game, only part of it, like NPG's dialogues - and not for all NPGs.... So, I wonder if this could be related to those constants or variable base parameters Zos has put in place when launching the game along addons, as some of those addons would use those game parameters in an awkward way and get crippled (or got such language bug after Zos did modifications which obliges addons creators to patch their addon)?

    I've never actually reinstall the game for that matter: every time, all I did was to update those addons via Minion (the most important ones seem to deploy an update at the same time Zos patches the game)... Once, I had to disable all addons, and then activate them one by one until I find the culprit. Especially for complex addons, like Master merchant, Dolgubon's etc. Note: Dolgubon's is one addon that landed sevral issues after a patch, but when that happened, itself it got rapidly patched. As a matter of fact and as I'm writing this comment, Minion shows that there's a patch for Dolgubon's.

    Side-note - I'm using only one language addon: "English POI and Keep Names". When playing PvP, It allows me to communicate (read/write) location names with all FR and EN players in the chat box, which is very important in Alliance PvP. And I've never had an issue with that addon which hasn't been updated in 3+ years... Probably because names in Cyrodiil haven't changed since many years, as it didn't get its map expanded nor updated for such matter (since that addon targets only one language - EN -, those names would be hard-coded within the addon, rather than having its dev obliged to use a variable parameter for targeting more than one language).

    Once, the "culprit" - or "witness" - was the game launcher itself, as after a patch it displayed itself in Spanish instead of French. Without even looking up the launcher's language settings (since I knew I didn't change that setting myself), what I did was to completely delete the launcher's folder, hoping for a patch of the patch: when starting the game from STEAM, ESO's launcher got reinstalled automatically, and everything got back to normal.

    Yeah I know, all the above is quite vague, only some leads... Which is why it's "just my 2 cents", rather than "my 2 million$" comment" 😁
    Note: I've got the same odd language bug with Microsoft's Web sites and services, like if my whole account has been changed from French to Spanish! There must be some "snakesnake" lurking behind some generic language handling process that some of those companies are using...
  • HawkFest
    A complement only related to my previous post (irrelevant with OP's), just to clear out a question for those interested: "English POI and Keep Names" addon displays English names along French names on Cyrodiil's map: it doesn't automatically translate location names in the chat box. Although the latter functionality would be great, displaying those translations on the map is sufficient (in the long run, we end up knowing those translations by heart).
  • Baertram
    The ZOs language variables change everything in your UI, not only a few strings, but all! So this is not the isdue/case if you only have a few UI elements in Spanish, and others in French (your UI client language chosen).

    Most probably any addon or patch you installed does that Spanish thing for you then. Disable all addons and see if this fixes it. If not: I don't know what happens for you.

    If yes: only enable a few addons and find out which one causes this. Often is a "language Patch" for an addon which you accidently installed instead of the original addon. Like there is that Korean language patch for Dolgubons lazy Writ Crafter which changes not only the addon itself but other UI stuff too.
    Same could be the case with a Spanish patch you have accidently installed.

    Try if my mentioned script to change the client language to French fixes it for you too.
    You can also use this script (type into the chat editbix and press return key) ingame to change your language to English:

    /script SetCVar("language.2", "en")

    Other language codes supported by ESO base game are:

    de German
    en English
    es Spanish
    fr French
    ru Russian
    zh Chinese
    Edited by Baertram on June 6, 2023 7:15PM
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