[PC-EU] Band of Brothers - International Social Guild / Gaming Community

Are you in search for a social guild on PC-EU server? Well look no further. :D

Band Of Brothers
We are a HIGHLY social international multi-MMO gaming team with no particular direction besides loging in and having fun with players (who soon become friends) from all around the globe. We have players/friends form Hungary, Spain, Croatia, Denmark, Russia, UK, Sweden, Latvia, Poland, Finland, South Africa, Norway, Germany, Bosnia... just to name a few.

We are also involved in Star Wars -The Old Republic, because who doesn't like Star Wars. B)
You can check your possible future guildies right here !

Band of Brothers on YouTube

We have both Gents and Ladies in the guild.

We don't mind if u just started to play ESO or if u are a veteran of the game.
If you are friendly, responsive and a relaxed gamer such as ourselves then you are more then welcome to join us.

What we ask from players , who do wish to join us , that you be social and responsive and are not shy to come on Voice Chat. We value quality over quantity.

! We only recruit 18+ !

Need more information pls do contact me :) (@Headbenger)

Band Of Brothers Team
Edited by Headbenger on May 25, 2022 9:38PM
Main Character: Anima Jolie
Race/Class: Breton Vampire Nightblade
Guild: Band of Brothers
  • Headbenger
    Quick update around two weeks after creating the guild. Numbers increasing slowly, we're up from 8 to 24 members. Most of us are active between 5:00 PM and 11:00 PM CET, doing normal dungeons, leveling, exploring.

    We also have weekly events like World Boss kills and Skyshard hunts.

    If that sounds like something you'd like find us in-game or drop a message here in this thread.

    Band of Brothers Team
    Main Character: Anima Jolie
    Race/Class: Breton Vampire Nightblade
    Guild: Band of Brothers
  • Headbenger
    Another update: We are now 50+ members strong, and unlocked the guild store :)
    We're doing dungeon runs every day and weekly events like World Boss kills and Skyshard hunts.
    At prime time (6:00 - 9:00 PM CET) we're 10-20 active players.

    If you'd like to join us drop a message here in this thread or apply to our guild in-game.

    Band of Brothers Team
    Main Character: Anima Jolie
    Race/Class: Breton Vampire Nightblade
    Guild: Band of Brothers
  • Headbenger
    Next update: We now count 70+ members and are working on hireing a guild trader.
    We've slowly started doing some veteran dungeons and started doing trials (all Craglorn trials so far).

    If that sounds good to you drop a message here in this thread or apply to our guild in-game.

    Band of Brothers Team
    Main Character: Anima Jolie
    Race/Class: Breton Vampire Nightblade
    Guild: Band of Brothers
  • Headbenger
    Another Update: We're still growing, 90 members as of today :)

    We finally won the bid for a guild trader. YaY!
    We have daily guild events like full trial groups 3x a week, Skyshards and World boss hunting, daily dungeon events :)
    We also tried some of the dlc trials. We cleared some and we had some Wipes in Style :)

    We're still recruiting. Just drop a message here in this thread or apply to our guild in-game.
    Also leave a note and your name/nickname in your application. ;)

    Band of Brothers Team
    Main Character: Anima Jolie
    Race/Class: Breton Vampire Nightblade
    Guild: Band of Brothers
  • Markodius
    Soul Shriven
    Hello, i wanna join. I am new player in ESO. Is it possible? @markodiusua
  • Headbenger
    Sure :) I'm sending you an invite.
    Main Character: Anima Jolie
    Race/Class: Breton Vampire Nightblade
    Guild: Band of Brothers
  • Markodius
    Soul Shriven
    Are guild alive? i returned to ESO
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