Hello to all, I am seeking information on the specific mechanics that occur during the Reef Guardian boss hardmode.
I am reasonably intimate with the fight and have cleared it many times, but I feel that there are aspects to the mechanics that occur that are still unknown to myself. What I have theorised so far is the following;
- 5 total adds, 1 x large, 1 x med immediate spawn, 1 x med at 80% (large), 2 x small at 80% (med)
- Large immediately starts a portal from fight start.
- Med #1 enters 2nd portal at 80% threshold providing it has spawned its small
- Med #2 spawns when Large hits 80%
- Small #1 runs when it reaches 75% threshold
- Med #2 runs when it reaches 80% threshold
Up until this point these values remain relatively consistent regardless of what add is focused, after this point however things start to vary a lot. The main two mechanics I am trying to understand are;
What exactly causes a Reef guardian to run to a portal (heartburn). Is it percentage based? Time based? Which ever of the two that comes first? And secondly what determines a portal being the selected one? I see that its mostly proximity however at times a Reef will ignore the closest one and go to another, indicating that there is some type of cooldown on when a portal can be entered, if that is the case what is the cooldown? and what is the proximity for that to be selected?
I am mainly looking for the exact values where possible for the questions above, if a dev could weigh in and give some insight that would be even better
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Gilliam @ZOS_Icy @ZOS_RichLambert
- The creator of the concept for the Aetherial Well, yet to be acknowledged by ZOS- Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe s...