Graven Deep Varzunon hitbox

Please fix the Graven Deep skeleton hitbox. Its being quite impossible to throw skills on Varzunon when it is near its maximum power(big). This is really annoying and its actually harder to complete the fight because this problem than the difficulty of the boss itself.
  • Dr_Con
    I'm pretty sure once he gets to his max size he isn't supposed to be killable. That fight in particular is a DPS check.
  • Aorys
    Dr_Con wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure once he gets to his max size he isn't supposed to be killable. That fight in particular is a DPS check.

    I see. I really thought this was a bug because its a little weird. At some point I couldnt taunt it anymore. Was being a bit frustrating to see the boss turning at the group. Their own fault them lol. Thanks.
  • Soarora
    You have to aim up towards his groin, though if too big that might not even work. Theres a slow strat you can do where you pull him out towards a wall when big skeletons come out and dps kill them but it’s tricky.
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  • Necrotech_Master
    Dr_Con wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure once he gets to his max size he isn't supposed to be killable. That fight in particular is a DPS check.

    there is an achievement for killing him at max size (though it can be done on normal)

    to the OP: this guys hitbox has always been a problem since this dungeon released (i think i made a bug report about it days after the dungeon came out lol)

    if your playing ranged or use a lot of aoes, then its not too bad, but melee is virtually impossible to target him correctly
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