Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

Wishful thinking, transferring console to PC

We console users get really jealous of PC add-ons with housing, and by we, I mean me... I have sunk too much money into ESO to just switch. I need to be able to transfer. And also the lower downtime of maintenance. :D Do you know how long it took them to give us precision editing? How long it took them to allow us to port into our homes instead of the closest wayshrine, and only recently could we port to "outside of home"? How we still do not have a Guest Book? There's soo much more that PC users can do!?
Everyone I have spoken to is half and half on either receiving more furnishing slots or being able to transfer over to PC.
  • thecatsme0w
    us PC players want more housing slots too :)

    I'm down to only 12 houses I don't own now! :D

    Eventual goal: Own all the houses. Currently 5 short of that goal.
  • Amethyst_Unearthed
    I have been thinking this also, but my idea was for them to allow transfers between consoles, and console to PC but ONE TIME A YEAR so people dont take advantage of it in anyway. Its a simple thing and keeps the game available to everyone even if they switch their platform they play on and keeps them from losing everything and starting over..... starting over is not fun, it almost made me not want to play the game anymore because of how it effected my completionist mentality..... im just now 2 years after starting my new account playing group content again....

  • phaneub17_ESO
    Bite the bullet and start on PC. The sooner you start the less you gripe about it.
  • XoXJulietteXoX
    Bite the bullet and start on PC. The sooner you start the less you gripe about it.

    I am ashamed to say I have spent a few grand on this game, on top of all the crowns/eso+ etc. I'm a month one player, so 8 years into this game, yeah, no I'm not biting the bullet.
  • KS_Amt38
    At least let us transfer all the crown items we spent real money on.
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