Please, overlap offers, not swap them! (Crates & limited time)

Please, have last days of crates' season simultaneously with first days of the new one, overlap not swap (same for limited time offers).

We need to be able to preview items simultaneously in the store, it works best for FOMO, let me explain.

I'm on the fence of buying the Azureblight Spriggan but I'm not sure because next there could be a better poly, but also a worse one - we can't look/trust datamined content.

Thing is that if I know next will come a better poly, the pure joy could even push me to buy both, while being in the limbo scares me and prevents me from buying anything. The FOMO doesn't work when you have the feeling of missing out on something potentially better that could come, because you feel if you purchase now and then it comes something better you get frustrated and not happy; while if I wait and buy only the next, which is better, I will always feel I lost something that could never return and it pisses me off.

Limited time offers and Radiant Apex mounts are extremely expensive, so it would make us feel less weight on the choice if we'd be able to preview at least the immediately upcoming offer while the actual one is still there, something in the way Limited Timed Crates Return Offers already works.

1 or 2 weeks of timeframe where the offers overlap would be much appreciated!
Thank you :)
A: "We, as humans, should respect and take care of each other like in a Co-op, not a PvP 🌸"
B: "Too many words. Words bad. Won't read. ⚔️"
  • tsaescishoeshiner
    While I would agree as a consumer, I'm pretty sure this is exactly why they don't overlap. The whole point of limited time offers is that FOMO sells.
    in-game: @tsaescishoeshiner
  • SkaiFaith
    But FOMO works only if following it you end up happy of your purchase. If literally the day after the purchase you discover you have thrown your money in the bin because now there is something better to buy and you haven't money to spend anymore, you just feel miserable and end up hating yourself and the game. It's different if some time has passed or if your choice was based on knowledge of what is coming.
    FOMO has to be done right to make you loyal, imo.
    Edited by SkaiFaith on April 29, 2023 9:15PM
    A: "We, as humans, should respect and take care of each other like in a Co-op, not a PvP 🌸"
    B: "Too many words. Words bad. Won't read. ⚔️"
  • tsaescishoeshiner
    Oh I forgot! As far as crown crates, you should check out the datamines! That's how you can get a pretty good preview of what's upcoming.
    in-game: @tsaescishoeshiner
  • SkaiFaith
    Yeah, but that's a mixed bag: you are never 100% sure that those things will show up, in fact many items never got released; also you can't see mount animations and other details from there - like polymorph/personality animations...
    A: "We, as humans, should respect and take care of each other like in a Co-op, not a PvP 🌸"
    B: "Too many words. Words bad. Won't read. ⚔️"
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