I'm quite surprised to how much I actually enjoy these companions. Even the khajiit, Ember, who I did not expect to appreciate. Currently my favorite is Mirri with Isobel as a very close second. She's pretty badass and hard to not be fond of considering her famous voice actor, and Mirri is adorable with her dunmeri curses and little firecracker personality.
However I do see a small problem on the horizon, which I realized after I played with Isobel in High Isle. For one the new companions get more personal quests and even a letter that you can keep in your home. For two... Isobel comments a good deal more than expected during the main quest for High Isle. I got Mirri after doing the main quest part 1 of Blackwood, and doing all its side quests. She didn't comment very much in part 2 or 3. It made me wonder what I missed out on, same with Vvardenfell and Clockwork city, the latter of which I know she comments in at the very least.
So, the point of the thread.
Zos, it'd be wonderful if in future DLC you don't forget about your previous assets. Getting even just one or two new personal quests for older companions and a few lines here or there in the new main quest, if applicable, would go a long way to making others be interested in the new content, I believe. It would add replayability on other characters as well if you missed out on certain dialogue because you brought a different companion, which is already a risk with the two companions introduced with said dlc.
For instance, this new DLC is at least half concerning Morrowind and the Telvanni. That means it would make a lot of sense for Mirri to have something to say about the quests. I would like to bring her there when its available but would feel like I missed out if she had nothing to say at all. It would feel like I have to use the newer companions when Ive already built up the others and don't necessarily want to.
For those reading, would this be something you'd like to see?
Tes fans hate Ulfric Stormcloak for imagined bigotry but love Dagoth Ur, the Empire, and the Telvanni unironically.