addon that highlights enemies?

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
Good afternoon!
Is there an addon that highlights enemies?
Give them a red aura or something similar.

When I play from the sofa and I'm in a dungeon, with all the particles that come out fighting I don't see well

all the best
  • Soarora
    You might be able to change it in the vanilla settings so that the highlight is constant and then crank up the thickness.
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  • Baertram
    No, adsons cannot do that kind of stuff (for reasons). There is just the keybind for "next target" which highlights the target you selrcted with a small aura.
  • Soarora
    Baertram wrote: »
    No, adsons cannot do that kind of stuff (for reasons). There is just the keybind for "next target" which highlights the target you selrcted with a small aura.

    Tab targeting is a white aura but I know when looking at npcs it can be white (friendly), yellow (neutral), or red (enemy). At the very least I know the healthbars and names can be turned on to be constant.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
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