Want to bring back open-world RP?

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
I joined ESO along with my twin so we could socialize with other people through Roleplay. We use to RP on sites but RP sadly died there and we lost all our friends. We joined ESO after Morrowind's release along with the housing. We only got a few RP interactions probably about less than 10 interactions with RP ever since we joined. We play on the PC/NA server we had hoped to RP in ESO because we RPed our whole life, Ever since we could talk we Roleplayed. Roleplay is a part of us and we can't let it go. We have tried to just play the game like everyone else but we end up Roleplaying everyday. I'm bored of just keeping RP just between me and my twin. We want a guild of Roleplayers and we attempted to make one before but it didn't work out as planned so I deleted it. I use to have a guild called Livin Tamriel and we did open world RP but no one joined my guild or events I advertised. The one wish we hope to accomplish from the bottom of our hearts is to bring back open-world RP in ESO. We also want to find universal RP guilds not the restricted ones like Khajiit Only, Imperial Only, Vampire Only, Werewolf Only. Etc.
We RP with multiple characters that live different lifestyles.
Example: Altmer raised by Redguards in Alik'r, He acts like a Redguard not an Altmer. A bosmer that is a wild hunter and assassin with a werewolf curse. a blind dunmer that trained with the psijic order that becomes a vampire to be with the female vampire he falls in love with. A vampiric imperial that seeks to uncover his noble family's forbidden past that was lost to time. And more.

I'd enjoy an RP server for ESO for RPers and anyone who want to watch RP.

If you love to RP or love to watch RP and wish to help bring back open-world RP. Feel free to find me and my twin in ESO. Send us a friend request and feel free to chat/Mail us, We get online daily.
PC/NA Server: @TheRoamingSpirit / @TheDragonMeister
Daezagi-Jo - Khajiit - Vamp DK - Scholar/Thief/ Wizard
Zafar Medess - Dunmer (Dunmer+Bosmer Bloodline) - Blind Vamp Warden/Cyromancer - Psijic Mage, AOE Build
Siticino Callnix - Breton - Vamp Necromancer - Vaermina Cultist & Dark Brotherhood Assassin
Edonas Sagemire - Bosmer - Werewolf Nightblade - Wild & Drudic
Brestian Goldagia - Imperial - Sorcerer - Protective Bodyguard with a previous pirate history
Koruzan - Dunmer (Actually wanted to make a Dremora) - Sorcerer - Follower of Sanguine but previously enslaved by Molag Bal
My Server: PC/NA - My Username: TheRoamingSpirit
You call me Spirit, Roaming, or TRS.
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