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Planemeld Courser Adjustment?

Hey, figured I’d throw it out there seeing as the returning New Moon Crates had the Planemeld Courser originally, is this going to be brought back? And if so, can you please tone down the rider activated animation? It is insanely disruptive, and can be repeatedly activated by moving slightly to degrade the performance of players nearby. It’s already a massive problem, if it could be toned down, that would be great.

For reference, this is the mount being showcased, watch the explosion when the player activates the rider animation…

Edited by The_Titan_Tim on January 4, 2023 5:16AM
  • iPlayOnlyESO
    It's an R.A. mount(will be probably 2500 Crown Gems). It's very rare. How many times do you encounter it? Besides, It cannot be summoned in trials, during combat, action etc. How possible it can manage to give you a problem? I don't understand how possible it made you so disrupted. Could you give me an example of what you experienced with that mount ruined your game playing?

    I wish luck to the ones who will open crates for those mounts :)
    I've waited more than a year for that animation, my 16k Endeavors are ready to be spent for this mount >:) Tbh, the mount itself is not very beautiful but that animation is so cool. Also my Crown Gems are ready for the R.A wolf and some of those Apex mounts(probably Bear, Camel, and Guar). B)
  • YouNappaYouGetSlappa
    Soul Shriven
    I think you should take into consideration the plethora of other people who have spent their hard earned money on crown crates looking to achieve this mount. And only a few percentage of those same people have received a Radiant Apex, and only a fewer percentage of THOSE people have received the Planemeld Courser, as it's the same situation with every Crown Crate.

    Like stated above, you're not able to use mounts in combat situations and the performance issue your talking about can be fixed/tuned in the video settings. Also, like above, only a handful of people actually own this mount.

    In my honest opinion, there is no reason for ZOS to make any changes to this mount as that mount animation is a major selling point for the New Moon Crates and making any adjustments whether it be removing the animation completely or tweaking it would be pretty discourteous to players that already own the mount.
  • Araneae6537
    You can activate the effect without summoning, as shown in the video, and I believe that can be done in combat.

    I agree that some of the mount effects are a bit much but it wouldn’t be fair to players who already have the mounts to change them.
  • The_Titan_Tim
    At the beginning of the year, one player, I’m not going to name, was going to each and every dueling spot and spamming his Planemeld Courser to interfere with ability registration.

    Edit: In Cyrodiil, one player on the outskirts of a battle can sit there and spam his mount to troll an entire server.
    Edited by The_Titan_Tim on January 4, 2023 8:18PM
  • YouNappaYouGetSlappa
    Soul Shriven
    At the beginning of the year, one player, I’m not going to name, was going to each and every dueling spot and spamming his Planemeld Courser to interfere with ability registration.

    Edit: In Cyrodiil, one player on the outskirts of a battle can sit there and spam his mount to troll an entire server.

    Brother, you need to report those players and in the ticket submit a short video of them abusing that. You will get a lot further with that method rather than posting on the forums and completely brushing off the fact that players have put MONEY into these mounts.
    Edited by YouNappaYouGetSlappa on January 4, 2023 9:15PM
  • Araneae6537
    At the beginning of the year, one player, I’m not going to name, was going to each and every dueling spot and spamming his Planemeld Courser to interfere with ability registration.

    Edit: In Cyrodiil, one player on the outskirts of a battle can sit there and spam his mount to troll an entire server.

    That’s obviously rude but at least players can go elsewhere to duel and the troll cannot follow everybody. I’m surprised to here that a player on the outskirts of a battle can cause such problems! I was imagining it would have to be multiple players coordinating with others actually fighting… Idk, it’s sad that some try to find any way to cheat or troll. If it’s a frequent problem in Cyrodiil and/or IC, maybe all mount activation effects should be disabled just in PvP areas?
  • The_Titan_Tim
    At the beginning of the year, one player, I’m not going to name, was going to each and every dueling spot and spamming his Planemeld Courser to interfere with ability registration.

    Edit: In Cyrodiil, one player on the outskirts of a battle can sit there and spam his mount to troll an entire server.

    Brother, you need to report those players and in the ticket submit a short video of them abusing that. You will get a lot further with that method rather than posting on the forums and completely brushing off the fact that players have put MONEY into these mounts.

    The player was reported several times, and either got bored or banned, but this does not solve the Cyrodiil server problem, if you’ve ever played Grayhost at prime time, you know that despite having nobody even near you, if someone is in your zone spamming something disruptive, it will effect your game. Even if they are not on your screen, they are rendered miles away.
    That’s obviously rude but at least players can go elsewhere to duel and the troll cannot follow everybody. I’m surprised to hear that a player on the outskirts of a battle can cause such problems! I was imagining it would have to be multiple players coordinating with others actually fighting… Idk, it’s sad that some try to find any way to cheat or troll. If it’s a frequent problem in Cyrodiil and/or IC, maybe all mount activation effects should be disabled just in PvP areas?

    Players did try to just move spots when it was happening, but the guy was a duelist too so he knew all of the spots people went and followed them. He was reported by everyone and either got bored or banned, I haven’t seen him in quite some time.

    This is the only mount in the game that has such a widespread effect on performance as it’s very extreme. I seriously recommend you try to find someone with this mount so you can see what the ability looks like in-game, then have them slightly move left or right while spamming it.

    It’s a massive disruptive detonation going off every half second. I’m not saying to remove it, but to tone it down a bit as it’s like nothing seen on any other mount, perhaps for a reason? There needs to be a balance between practicality and luxury. Yes it’s got to retain value, but it can’t be at the expense of everyone around them.
  • YouNappaYouGetSlappa
    Soul Shriven
    At the beginning of the year, one player, I’m not going to name, was going to each and every dueling spot and spamming his Planemeld Courser to interfere with ability registration.

    Edit: In Cyrodiil, one player on the outskirts of a battle can sit there and spam his mount to troll an entire server.

    Brother, you need to report those players and in the ticket submit a short video of them abusing that. You will get a lot further with that method rather than posting on the forums and completely brushing off the fact that players have put MONEY into these mounts.

    The player was reported several times, and either got bored or banned, but this does not solve the Cyrodiil server problem, if you’ve ever played Grayhost at prime time, you know that despite having nobody even near you, if someone is in your zone spamming something disruptive, it will effect your game. Even if they are not on your screen, they are rendered miles away.
    That’s obviously rude but at least players can go elsewhere to duel and the troll cannot follow everybody. I’m surprised to hear that a player on the outskirts of a battle can cause such problems! I was imagining it would have to be multiple players coordinating with others actually fighting… Idk, it’s sad that some try to find any way to cheat or troll. If it’s a frequent problem in Cyrodiil and/or IC, maybe all mount activation effects should be disabled just in PvP areas?

    Players did try to just move spots when it was happening, but the guy was a duelist too so he knew all of the spots people went and followed them. He was reported by everyone and either got bored or banned, I haven’t seen him in quite some time.

    This is the only mount in the game that has such a widespread effect on performance as it’s very extreme. I seriously recommend you try to find someone with this mount so you can see what the ability looks like in-game, then have them slightly move left or right while spamming it.

    It’s a massive disruptive detonation going off every half second. I’m not saying to remove it, but to tone it down a bit as it’s like nothing seen on any other mount, perhaps for a reason? There needs to be a balance between practicality and luxury. Yes it’s got to retain value, but it can’t be at the expense of everyone around them.

    That sounds like a general optimization issue especially when you put it as "spamming something disruptive" and not isolating it on a certain mount.

    So sounds like reporting him did the trick. I say report and video clip others that do the same thing and if it becomes more and more of an issue perhaps ZOS can implement an option to disable mount animations in PvP areas, like Cyro, where any mount animations can have negative effects.

    I personally have not had any issue with this mount as on an extremely rare occasion I will notice somebody with this mount and have seen the animation in-game several times. Then again, my computer does meet the minimum hardware requirements.

    At the very most, include an option to disable mount animations in designated PvP areas depending on how prevalent it is.
    Edited by YouNappaYouGetSlappa on January 4, 2023 11:23PM
  • The_Titan_Tim
    Then again, my computer does meet the minimum hardware requirements.

    I’m not a PC player and can’t speak on the performance for PC, but as an Xbox Series S player, this is a problem.

    As these consoles are up to par with average PC specs now, it’s safe to say that my specs have nothing to do with it being problematic. No other mount has the issue, it’s just that one, and due to the fact that the explosion is massive and instant, like a smoke grenade going off repeatedly.

    Edit: I play on Performance Mode exclusively.
    Edited by The_Titan_Tim on January 4, 2023 11:23PM
  • YouNappaYouGetSlappa
    Soul Shriven
    I certainly don't have the best computer and there quite possibly could be differences in the optimization aspect when comparing different platforms, but for me, I have not experienced any issues with this mount exclusively.

    As stated above, I think a great thing for ZOS to implement would be a setting to disable mount animations in designated PvP areas as that would benefit players that express the same concern as you.

    Just to reiterate, I understand where you're coming from but I think a better approach is putting that "setting" in there and not making any changes to the mount, as it was a big selling point and quite a few players already own it. IMO, this theoretically would work well as a few other mounts have exotic animations and you could run into the same issue with a different/unreleased mount on your Xbox.

    Edit: GTX 1080, i7-4790k, 16GB ram, HDD originally, now SSD / Added "IMO" and everything after that.
    Edited by YouNappaYouGetSlappa on January 5, 2023 1:30AM
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