The AMAZINGBAGLEGEAREXTRAVAGANZA! (Discord participation required, NA/PC)

This contest will run between until 12/31/22 at 11:59 pm EST.

This is an event/contest where you can request a trial or group dungeon be run, and people in this discord (ERR) will help to gear you up. Helping to gear others up gives you points, at the end points will tallied and the winner will get these awards:

First place - most number of points - 5k Crowns, 1 million gold, Server title of Most Magnanimous In All Ways or MMIAW.
Second place - 2500 Crowns, 500,000 gold, Server title of Goodness & Light Personified, or GALP
Third place - 1000 crowns, 100,000 gold, Server title of Endeavors to Bring Others Joy, or EtBOJ

You can, of course, ask for help getting gear! There are also ways of donating materials to get points.

This discord also offers volunteer coaching from other players to people who wish to improve on their healing, dpsing, and tanking in PVE trial settings.

Discord link with full details:

(This event is sponsored by Ellanen and was posted here with her permission)
Edited by Dr_Con on December 20, 2022 1:40AM
  • Dr_Con
    Ellanen — Yesterday at 1:57 PM
    Morning @ here!

    I'd like to congratulate the winners of the Amazing Bagel Gear Extravaganza contest! ABGE ran from 11/21 to 12/31/22, geared up 11 players fully, geared up over a dozen players partially, and created a brand new, ongoing section of this server.

    Yep. We're gonna keep doing the ABGE runs. There's even one today - nDSR - posted in lfg.

    I'm so very proud of this server. We ran Rockgrove, Kyne's, HoF, DSR, CR and SS over and over. Folks ran runs that they didn't need to help others that did. People did multiple runs, oddly timed runs, difficult runs, and truly random runs. There were endless dungeons, with people strategizing group makeup based on going meta with the curated drops. You truly helped each other out. It was inspiring.

    Thank you to everyone that helped with the event. I want to specifically mention @ PingTheAwesome (Deaf) for working so hard behind the scenes organizing and keeping things on track, on top of doing runs.

    So here we go! The winners! These are the folks that got the most points, either by doing runs or donating mats. Check your mail end of day today for instructions on how to claim your prizes.

    First place - most number of points - 5k Crowns, 1 million gold, Server title of Most Magnanimous In All Ways or MMIAW. - @ Dr_ConTTV

    Second place - 2500 Crowns, 500,000 gold, Server title of Goodness & Light Personified, or GALP - @ Borais

    Third place - 1000 crowns, 100,000 gold, Server title of Endeavors to Bring Others Joy, or EtBOJ - @ Jstblue

    Thank you to @ Fealm for your endless runs, to @ Ragnarok013 for hopping into so many healer spots, and @ jf-Allmighty for tankerating so much. Truly a great server with amazing people.

    Contest concluded! Thanks Ellanen for hosting!
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