Ok guys so im a tank, im vet 2 just hit it last night i will post my build as well so people can see it. Im A Scorc, and as someone who has failed every vet dungeons so far, YAY ME!!!

P.S. not bitching

damage is defiantly a problem in vet dungeons, as a tank i might hit 250 dps spiked as a whole. now i like that there hard as a whole however i do feel as though im the one inhibiting the group as a whole due too my lack of damage!
SO HERE IS MY SUGGESTION and i want too hear opinions.
ok so i'm a sword and bored tank, 4 piece heavy amour 3 piece light.
So what if we just make so that people who have sword and bored + heavy amour on get a bounce too synergy's and too chance too have up to 2 group members be able too apply a synergy too a single target, IMO that would fix the damage issue and also not over power sword and board players!
Also i wanted too point in every group i have went with NONE of them have used the synergys atall the Undaunted Synergy for the synergy morph dose 586 damage per time its done, now that synergy can be poped by more then one group member at a time if timed correctly but no one dose it ever. just saying
Edited by alexj4596b14_ESO on May 4, 2014 4:35AM