I'm currently using my Nightblade as a ganker in Cyrodiil but want to change to a more melee/brawler playstyle. Ganking can be amusing for a bit, but often I'll be in situations where I need/want to go toe-to-toe with others (or at least have the option to do so with the Armory). Although I run melee PvP builds on my Templar, I became fond of the cloaking/hiding/sneaking capabilities of NB and want to give the melee NB a try. That said, the current meta seems to require beefy defense and high damage.
HERE'S THE CATCH: I really want to run it as an Oakensoul 1-bar setup. I know, I know... Obviously, most of the builds I see are normal 2-bar setups (because they're made by better players than I'll ever be). But I have the most fun with 1-bar setups in PvP because it keeps things simple for my big dumb brain and my big dumb thumbs. So can anyone out there forgive my Oakensoul-liking-blasphemy and direct me to a decent melee NB 1-bar build? I'd greatly appreciate the help!