Possibility of benig able to set a Guildhall entirely separate from any member's Primary?

Apologies if there's already a thread for this - I searched and couldn't find one.

I really like the new housing-related upgrades. In particular, it's very cool that you can now mail an invite for a specific house to a specific player. But this feels like a stop-gap. Are there plans in place to take it a step further and allow guilds to have a specific guildhall, that wouldn't necessarily have to be anyone's primary home?

I'm nowhere close to being among the best furnishers among the people I know, but I put a TON of effort into creating an attractive, easy to navigate guildhall. And while I don't stand a chance of winning housing competitions in the housing guild I'm in, sometimes the theme grabs me and I'd like to at least put in an entry for fun. But I can't, because I have to keep my primary as the guidhall. Is there a chance in the future that a guild will be able to have a Guidhall that all members will be able to fast travel to at any time, regardless of if it's anyone's current primary or not?
  • Nestor
    Guild Halls are a frequently requested thing. And should be offered. If our Master Crafter leaves a guild, there goes our easy set crafting...

    With an instanced area that has no limit on Crafting Stations, with maybe a 100 piece furnishing limit so we can make it look nice. Limit the CPU and GPU stressing items and activities.

    Make it so any guild member can teleport directly to it.

    Add a Permission Level for Furniture Movements or Decorating from storage.

    Put a storage system for furniture that is donated to the guild. Maybe a permission for who can donate and or who can withdraw.

    Give the guild the option to allow Duels with a lower population, or no Duels and a higher population.
    Edited by Nestor on November 24, 2022 2:35AM
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • LikiLoki
    Over the years, this issue has been raised by different people. And every time I traditionally give my vote in support
  • Supreme_Atromancer

    I'm nowhere close to being among the best furnishers among the people I know, but I put a TON of effort into creating an attractive, easy to navigate guildhall. And while I don't stand a chance of winning housing competitions in the housing guild I'm in, sometimes the theme grabs me and I'd like to at least put in an entry for fun.

    Good topic. And this^ should never be relevant. There are thousands of us that will never be winning competitions and featured on whatsimacallit's whatever stream, but are happily doing our own thing to make ourselves happy, but are just as passionate about housing!
    Edited by Supreme_Atromancer on November 25, 2022 4:38AM
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