I was thinking about the Towers. The Towers. The Towers are ancient structures that hold Mundus together basically. The known towers are Direnni Tower in High Rock, Red Tower (Red Mountain) in Morrowind, White-Gold Tower in Cyrodiil, Crystal Tower in Summerset, Snow Tower in Skyrim, Green-Sap in Valenwood, and the Brass Tower of the Dwemer. I think the Yokudans also had a tower with the sword being its heart or stone. These Towers are powerful and I wondered if their presence effected the living things of their lands. For example, the Red Tower is a volcano and ash falls upon the land. The ash comes inside and obviously has been in the presence of the stone (Heart of Lorkhan) to some degree. The land has giant mushrooms that don't exist anywhere else. Could the ash be feeding the mushrooms in some way to influence their growth? The same with Green-Sap, could it effect the growth of the graht-oaks? If so, what of the other towers? The lands they are in do not have giant plants.
In Skyrim, the only extremely unique thing about their land are those who have the Voice and can speak as the dragons. We know the legend was that Kyne gave them that power but what if that is just a story and it actually comes from the power of the Tower? Cyrodiil does not seem to have much except its imperialism and its "covenant" through the bloodline of Alessia. What if the gift of "empire" comes through the Tower in some way. We have the Ayleids and then the Cryods/Colovians who became great empire builders that lasted for centuries.
It is just an observation. Thoughts? Could this correlation be there or is it just wishful thinking?