@ZOS_BeckyIchnoski can tell.
I am also wondering who did her voice before the Gates of Oblivion storyline.
Did her voice actress change over time? I was curious who did her voice during Gates of Oblivion but if she had two I'd be curious as well.
Here's anothet Lyranth video from 2014, here the difference is way more noticable.https://youtu.be/NV-OKzTHU6s
ZOS_BeckyIchnoski wrote: »Hello! The voice actor has not changed. It is Michelle Arthur. However, we did make some improvements to her voiceover postproduction in the newer content. Previously, she had the same DSP as other general Daedric NPCs. We thought she deserved something a little more special.
ZOS_BeckyIchnoski wrote: »Hello! The voice actor has not changed. It is Michelle Arthur. However, we did make some improvements to her voiceover postproduction in the newer content. Previously, she had the same DSP as other general Daedric NPCs. We thought she deserved something a little more special.