Guys....i dont know if you have seen...but there's an "Ask Me Anything" thread on reddit in which the devs answer some questions that the latest letter doesn't answer:
Here's some highlights (summary taken from's coverage of the reddit thread):
(*) Spellcrafting will involve the rediscovering of "traditional" Elder Scrolls schools of magic, like alteration and destruction.
(*) Wheeler hinted that aesthetic changes might be en route for the Imperial City.
(*) There are no current plans for smaller scale PvP zones or dueling.
(*) Grouping, werewolf, quest achievement, and PvP vampire issues are being worked on. SLI support arrives with Craglorn.
(*) Lambert confirmed the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood will have their own skill lines.
(*) There's no time-frame for player housing right now. "We want to do it right," Community Manager Jessica Folsom said.
(*) Guar mounts are also planned sans timeline.
(*) Aside from weekly stability patches and "after the dust settles," the team still plans content updates every four to six weeks.
Q: Future use of Naryu Virian (from the Morag Tong)
A: "We do have more plans for the ashen-skinned mischief maker!"
Q: I love the variety of clothing/armor/weapons in the game, but I can't easily tell what motif/type (Bosmer, Dunmer, etc) a given item is when I find it. Have you thought of
adding the racial type to the item popup window?
A: Yes. Definitely agree with this.
Q: Difficulty in grouping up and questing...
A: We are definitely working now to solve a lot of the grouping issues. For new content, we're making sure it will be much easier to play together as a group.
Q: Dueling...
A: There are no plans at this time for smaller scale pvp zones/dueling. That's not to say there never will be any as the great thing about ESO is that it gets patches all the time and new content can be PVE and/or PVP themed. For now we're focusing on Cyrodiil and adjusting as needed based on live feedback.
Q: The Justice System....
A: We have a prototype right now. The very rough idea, and things might change, is that players will steal things from NPCs incurring a bounty if the theft is witnessed. (Same with killing NPCs.) Guards will give you the chance to pay the bounty before they attack. However, you could be killed on sight if your bounty is too high. We are also looking at ways for players to be "guards". Obviously we want to take the best aspects of social interplay and put it into the system. That's probably all I can tell you for now.
Q: Banker npc voice over annoyance...
A: For what it's worth, we are planning to change this slightly so once you open your bank, it will cut off the VO from the banker.
Q: Chat bubbles.....
A: Yes. We have chat bubbles working internally. So we want to enable them soon, and testing will dictate which update they arrive in.
Lastly...just to reiterate what the devs have said in the forum thread regarding the "Road ahead letter":
Everyone, don't forget that there are other things we're working on that Matt did not list. That was just a sneak peek of some features that are actively being developed.