As the headlines suggest - Wardens right now are really, really bad DPS in real content, way worse then on dummy even.
There is 3 main culprits to it:
#1 Scorch
Whenever the fight is about switching targets and movement, chances are you are going to miss your "massive, dopamine printing burst combo" - or how Gina rather recently commented on the reasons why they changed the mag morph to hit after 3 / 9 seconds. This is a skill that should massively contribute to our dps - missing only a few hits will hurt performance really, really bad.
#2 The Bear
We all love our pet. But! A lot of Warden DPS is tied to the bear. The bear however needs to physically move between targets. He needs be commanded via heavy attack (needn't be fully charged) to switch from say invulnerable or not targetable enemies to ones that can be targeted. He still tends to die in some encounters. Summoning him takes a really, really long time.
#3 "Unnecessary buffs" eating class power budget
Potion buffs? Warden got it. Kinra buff / classic dungeon or raid healer buffs? Already in Warden kit.
One could say: but don't use Warden skills! Ah well, many players already sorted out a lot of skills for specific content because there is no reason to use them. However. It kills class identity. And when stuff you have is inferior to stuff other classes have - you obviously will perform worse.
To give some nice examples: Shipwrights Regret, 2nd boss (hardmode!) He spawns adds where you needa kill 2 swiftly. How to deal good burst damage as a Warden? Well, you needa command your bear to attack. You needa hit your scorch. You should have your buffs running and all ae damage that does work with you as target (arctic blast for example). Now you can even add flies thanks to 5% increased damage taken and you should be fine. However! If you needa recast your buffs / arctic and blade cloak.
However, if your artic and blade cloak just have run out, your scorch just aktivated the second you turned around and did hit nothing, you actually have to hope scorch & spamable are enough. Depending on critluck & gear, that should work out. But just assume you play something "good" that isn"t "perfect" for this kind of encounter? Yea, you can even parse for 100k+ on a dummy. You will not get this add down. And there is hardly any way "around" this unless you want to exchange bear for another ult and safe this for the adds. Oh and steer away from warden spamable. It hits one second delayed. That is also "anti-burst" - without any advantage.
Now on the opposite end of the spectrum, we just take a Nightblade. Very high burst up every 5 seconds. If your pet / shadow isn't up, you just ignore it - if it's a short burst of <10seconds, it isn't worth summoning anyway. So with Nightblade, you just use spamable / grim focus and wait for execute. If you want it ultra-comfy, just safe a deathstroke ult. Not too hard thanks to extra ult gain on potions.
To me as a player, this just feels really wrong. Before the patch (before U35) I didn't need to worry about making sure to have everything ready or even exchange a procset like depths for something ressource minigame set just to make sure I needn't worry about a dps check. I mean I still wear golded out stuff. I still parse freakin high. But on Warden on the new inflated dummy, this feels like it accounts for nothing any longer. The game is screaming at me - play something else!
And of course - I might have been really, really unlucky with my crits. I might have been extremely lucky with my Nightblade. But we did a few runs because we were going for a trifecta for a friend. And after messing up 2 runs myself (have had this trifecta since quiet some time before U35) I was like: [snip] Warden, lets do it with NB. Of course went flawless for me ever after.
Furthermore, I did not type this to say "NB is op!!!" - nope, NB isn't. NB ain't bad this patch and always was very nice in regards to single target damage - and that's fine. It simply is that Warden never was as bad as he is today.
[Edited for Censor Bypass]
Edited by Psiion on September 23, 2022 8:12PM