Island Tour Amenos Extraction Point`

I'm in the area where the quest is telling me to go where the extraction point was. There is no rope though for me to climb up so I can't get to where the other view points are.
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Same thing happens to me if I am doing some daily quests in High Isle.

    The tracker seems very wonky and faulty in High Isle, because this zone consists of 2 islands. So, whenever the goal is on the other island than you are - it gets confused, as probably what happens is that it wants to find the shortest route.

    What I have learned is If the game tells you to go to some inaccessible place, then it means that the goal is on the other island than you are.

    Once you take a wayshrine to other island, the quest marker should change and point to something different.
  • DMuehlhausen
    Yeah it was wonky icons. Once I got out and travelled back to the main island I could see the markers, though they were hidden under icons.
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