I think you guys are doing some face-lifting work behind the scenes and it's messing with my experience. I log in. The game thinks I'm new. it gives me the whole introduction, etc., and I see a massive text box (
https://imgur.com/a/0neQdhu). You can't maximize or minimize it. I tried going into settings and reducing the font down to 8 font size and nothing happens. I sent a ticket in and wanted to see if this has happened to somebody else. I did disable my add-ons and reload the UI, but nothing happened, which indicates it's the base game and not an add-on's fault. Add to that, when I log in, the login screen things are on the left side now instead of the right. And it looks different. I think you guys are working on something behind the scenes but it's messing up with the look, feel and experience of the game.