Armory Suggestions - And would you use them?

It would be a great QoL addition I think, if the Armory Station would also 'store' the gear for you as this would allow players to expand the number of slots they can actually use without real inventory bag space to carry it all around unnecessarily. I appreciate this must have been suggested before but here is a possible solution.

It might mean a series of separate 'spaces' in the craft bag to store all the spare gear, and, if it were used like this it would then it would be locked behind ESO+ which would basically give an additional benefit to having ESO+ in the first place, plus, ZoS may sell a few more Armory Expansion Slots! While anything locked behind a paywall might annoy a fair few people it would at least give some income opportunity for them and a further plus to those that subscribe.

A second addition should be the use of a 'lock' so that you cannot accidently save the wrong loadout to the wrong slot. I think we may all have been there and done that at some point, and if you are yet to do it, you will - be warned! This should be available on every slot including the 2 free ones.

So, would you use either of these if they were available?
  • Danikat
    I think that would be very useful for a lot of people (it's probably the one good thing about Guild Wars 2's equivalent system) but it's not something I'd use much, or at all, because my characters don't have lots of different gear sets.

    I'm a casual player and haven't changed how I do things as a result of the armoury coming along. I've basically used it to save 2 versions of the same build on each character, the one I normally use and a 'sensible' one for using in groups with CP applied and a few other changes so it's quicker and cheaper to swap. One reason I opted for not using CP as a way to scale my characters before the armoury is it was easier to do that than figure out scaled down gear for them. If it was tied to ESO+ I definitely wouldn't use it because I rarely have an active subscription and the ability to save gear to the loadout isn't useful enough for me to change that.

    But I expect it would be very popular among other players.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • nb_rich
    It would be cool if it “stored” your gear in the loadout or even better should let you use the loadout if your gear is in the bank. I think this would be the easier solution but what you said works also.

    Im actually curious to know how much people use the armory system. I just started using it so I can easily switch between my stanplar and magplar.

    To add on to what you said I think they should also add the armory in zones since its free for everyone anyways. Kind of sucks you have to travel to your home all the time to use it. I also think more people in pvp can get use out of the armory yet the assistants can not be used in pvp areas and for pvp people to use it they have to leave then queue up again to get back in pvp same goes for attribute/skill morphs as far as I know.
  • Stanx
    My main has 4 different set-ups so having the gear stored externally would be great.

    I'd be happy for some type of lock or warning but I can't say I've had this problem myself. Builds need to be constantly re-saved due to CP allocation. I do frequently switch builds and then realise I haven't saved them in a while and have 10-20 CP to re-allocate.
  • TheGreatBlackBear
    I wouldn't mind it but tbh the way how the armoury system was implemented is such a turn off. Like you first need to go somewhere specific to swap or pay $30. First misstep. Then the next thing is it's so clunky. You need to summon an assistant, scroll through a greeting, then pick your loadout then press yes. Needlessly clunky and convoluted. Who designs and QA tests these things? Do they play other games ordo research to see what the market standard is? We should have the option to bind sets to buttons or keybinds so it's a one press swap.
  • Stanx
    I wouldn't mind it but tbh the way how the armoury system was implemented is such a turn off. Like you first need to go somewhere specific to swap or pay $30. First misstep. Then the next thing is it's so clunky. You need to summon an assistant, scroll through a greeting, then pick your loadout then press yes. Needlessly clunky and convoluted. Who designs and QA tests these things? Do they play other games ordo research to see what the market standard is? We should have the option to bind sets to buttons or keybinds so it's a one press swap.

    It takes like 10 seconds to switch...
  • bmnoble
    I would just like it to be able to pull gear from the bank, rather than needing to have the sets in the characters inventory.
  • TheGreatBlackBear
    Stanx wrote: »
    I wouldn't mind it but tbh the way how the armoury system was implemented is such a turn off. Like you first need to go somewhere specific to swap or pay $30. First misstep. Then the next thing is it's so clunky. You need to summon an assistant, scroll through a greeting, then pick your loadout then press yes. Needlessly clunky and convoluted. Who designs and QA tests these things? Do they play other games ordo research to see what the market standard is? We should have the option to bind sets to buttons or keybinds so it's a one press swap.

    It takes like 10 seconds to switch...

    10 seconds per swap between trash and boss setups add up. And this is after shelling out thirty bucks. Without that you can forget about it the environment where you arguably need it most. A poorly designed system is a poorly designed system. ZOS could learn a lot from how FFXIV does gear swaps. It's free, you create as many gear sets as you wan, you're t able to be done anytime and it literally just takes a single button press or keystroke. ESO doesn't need to copy it 1:1 but come on. The system we have is 100% designed to frustrate the player while nickel and diming them.
  • TaSheen
    I don't swap gear, don't use the armory at all. At this point I don't have any use for the setup. It does seem that storage would be a big help to those who do use it though.

    But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending.

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- three accounts, many alts....
  • Hlaaluna
    Yes gear storage would be great. I also wish we could used Armory for our companion. I only want one companion and swap her role and gear as needed.
  • opalcity
    I originally thought that saving your gear was how the armour station worked. From its appearance, it looks like it should.
    I'm also tired of always inventory-carrying around gear that is tied to an Armory profile I swap to regularly.
  • FlopsyPrince
    Having to keep the gear in my inventory is another reason I do not use the Armory feature.

    I wish someone would have thought this part through.

    The other reason I don't use it is that I would probably want more than 2 and the cost is both in Crowns and PER CHARACTER. They made a possibly interesting feature largely worthless to many of us with lots of alts.
  • Firey_Hellhound
    I agree the idea at its core is a good one, and I do use the system to switch between a Stam DPS and Mag Healer. Then I could use a PvP setup too or indeed a Tank, but I simply find it 'easier' to just make another character to play those roles. I don't use it to change between mobs in a location as I am not that specialised a player. One character of each race and you can test a build setup in live with a different race but usually it is clear which will be actually be better anyway without needing to do this.

    The constant saving for updating CP is where the mistake can occur, or more usually, when resaving a PvP build to switch to say healer for example, since the Main setup of that character is often stored first (it is on mine) the ability to accidently over save with the 'wrong' loadout has occurred both to me and several guild members, so it's not just my stupidity!

    Even if you do not use the system at all, I would still say go get it and install it and save your single build to slot 2. The benefit of doing this will be that you will always have a blank loadout and can load that at anytime on the live server for a free total respec and test a new build in the live environment.

    I too don't like the character based slots. They could get away with making the slots say 2000 instead of 1500 crowns but making it Account based not Character based perhaps? I think most of us don't probably use many slots at the moment.

    Thanks for the input all.
  • Aehallh
    Sadly I bought the armory assistant. What a waste of crowns. If I could get a refund I would. Why carry gear in my bags? I could have simply put an armory station in one of my houses and a storage crate next to it. Port to house switch build port back to wherever.
    So lesson learned , Do not buy assistant.
  • Al_Ex_Andre
    Would use that, OP. Also companions gear, would do that too for them.
  • Carcamongus
    I like the idea of the armory storing gear, as it's a pain in the posterior to have to browse my bloated bank after gear whenever I want to switch setups. Besides, it'd feel like I was Tony Stark having the robotic arms fit me with whatever armor I need.


    I currently have three setups: standard solo mode (arrow in the knee icon), trial tank (sword and shield) and PvP (fittingly, a skeleton). That's a lot of gear to shuffle around...
    Imperial DK and Necro tank. PC/NA
    "Nothing is so bad that it can't get any worse." (Brazilian saying)
  • Hotdog_23
    Adding memory slots would be a tremendous update to the armory system. Just give each armory slot 15 storage spaces.

    Know there are several fun builds I would like to play from time to time, none for serious content but just the thoughts of rummaging thru my bag and bank storage to change gear then to put up the armory system to load the build is just too much trouble. This feature would definitely make me real pay for armory slots.

    They could also remove the restrictions placed on it about when and where you can use it.

    Stay safe :)
  • etchedpixels
    So, would you use either of these if they were available?

    My charactera that have multiple gear sets generally have 200 carry limits so I don't care. Also I'm not going to waste money on overpriced garbage crownstore stuff when the addons actually usually do the job better.

    The only time I have a problem is PvP / PvE switching and that's not about 15 slots of gear. That's about having an inventory full of oil, meatbags and other essentials.
    Too many toons not enough time
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