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• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)


Soul Shriven
Why is there not a separate stamina bar for sprinting ,roll/dodge and stealth?? seems a bit lopsided that casters can roll and dodge all they want and still have a full magicka bar left for when they attack.. personally my avatar uses a bow ..his attacks use stamina , if i have to use roll,dodge to avoid 2 attacks there goes my bow feats for the fight and i get my ass kicked .. roll/dodge, sprint and stealth need to be put on a separate bar... they are abilities that everyone has and can use..it should NOT take the power that is a MAJOR component for 2/3s of the classes..
  • lajnus86b16_ESO
    agree there is an issue here.
  • KenjiJU
    Age of Conan had a similar issue with casters vs melee. They later changed it so there was a separate sprint/dodge bar, a long time after the game died.

    Not saying this game is going to die like that, just more for relevancy concerning Age of Conan in case someone comes and says 'lol nobody plays that game bro'.
    Edited by KenjiJU on April 26, 2014 10:38PM
  • Crescent
    You are forgetting the part where defenses like storm form or any defense that cuts magicka cuts their DPS, while your DPS as a stamina wielder still functions even if your stamina hits 0, because stamina builds have better weapon damage output.

    What you should be arguing for is that they reduce the costs of stamina defenses like dodge, or better yet ask for better stamina regen tools.

    Because that's the issue with stamina, that unlike magicka builds there's really little way to recover it.
  • Harakh
    No Stamina does not increase weapon damage, it is in the tooltip but the weapon damage doesnt get higher with more stamina. Or it is a bug in my character sheet.
    Edited by Harakh on April 28, 2014 6:41AM
    Die Welt in einem Sandkorn sehen
    Und den Himmel in einer wilden Blume;
    Die Unendlichkeit in der Handfläche halten
    Und die Ewigkeit in einer Stunde.
  • TheJadeFist
    Harakh wrote: »
    No Stamina does not increase weapon damage, it is in the tooltip but the weapon damage doesnt get higher with more stamina. Or it is a bug in my character sheet.


  • Harakh
    Cannot see where in the video the weapon damage get higher. I testet it and stamina does not increase the weapon damge only the weapon abilities.
    Die Welt in einem Sandkorn sehen
    Und den Himmel in einer wilden Blume;
    Die Unendlichkeit in der Handfläche halten
    Und die Ewigkeit in einer Stunde.
  • Crescent
    I'm a Bosmer with the stamina regen racial, and at maxed stamina regen even with jewelry, stamina is really slow to recover once you exhaust it.

    And at veteran ranks, when you block a mob's attack, especially a knife toss or uppercut, it depletes so much of your stamina.
  • KenjiJU
    Harakh wrote: »
    Cannot see where in the video the weapon damage get higher. I testet it and stamina does not increase the weapon damge only the weapon abilities.

    Character sheet hardly updates anything important beyond hp/mana/stam and a few buffs. Thus, why a video like that exists in the first place.
  • Andy22
    robben666 wrote: »
    Why is there not a separate stamina bar for sprinting ,roll/dodge and stealth?

    Short answer "because it worked this way in the other TES games" and weapon skill lines are not balanced to-be 100% on par with class skill lines.

    I agree that this is a "strange" decision, given the "more" action oriented combat they tried for. In reality this means, all stamina users try to conserve this limited resources, which results in exactly the opposite to what a more active action combat system aims for.
    This problem is even further amplified by the fact that u need sta to block or break free of cc or need a sta based skill (Immovable) to get some form of cc counter.

    1) It gives u a incentive to NOT sprint.
    2) It gives u a incentive to NOT dodge at all.
    3) It gives u a incentive to NOT dodge roll out of "weak" cc.
    4) It gives u a incentive to go for a magicka based build.

    If u directly compare this with GW2, that has a separate resource only for dodge rolling u notice that in GW2 its used ofc, while in ESO most none CC break dodge rolls are accidents, caused by the short default 180ms double tap setting.
    Edited by Andy22 on April 30, 2014 9:49AM
  • Ralathar44
    Andy22 wrote: »
    If u directly compare this with GW2, that has a separate resource only for dodge rolling u notice that in GW2 its used ofc, while in ESO most none CC break dodge rolls are accidents, caused by the short default 180ms double tap setting.

    The downside of GW 2 was that everyone dived around like monkies all the time and for some classes the dodge bar wasn't even a limitation.

    I rather prefer meaningful dodges vs "hyperactive ninja gerbils".
    Edited by Ralathar44 on April 30, 2014 11:45AM
    Some questions answer themselves:
    So what is the problem with building specifically against an oil farm????

    oil farm????
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    If dodge bar isnt a limitation then thats bad game design. The utility actions (sprint, dodge, block) should have their own bar tho. It just doesnt make sense to have stam builds be so crippled compared to mag builds.
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • Crescent
    Ralathar44 wrote: »
    Andy22 wrote: »
    If u directly compare this with GW2, that has a separate resource only for dodge rolling u notice that in GW2 its used ofc, while in ESO most none CC break dodge rolls are accidents, caused by the short default 180ms double tap setting.

    The downside of GW 2 was that everyone dived around like monkies all the time and for some classes the dodge bar wasn't even a limitation.

    I rather prefer meaningful dodges vs "hyperactive ninja gerbils".

    Not really. In GW2 you only had 3 dodges in a row with vigor up.

    What you're confusing is immunity skills from weapons, especially thieves, coupling their weaponskill immunities/evades with the dodges on top.
  • R0M2K
    Clearly theres a whiner class here, sorcs.
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