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Veterank 10 for Craglorn/Trials!?

Soul Shriven
Ok so I've been playing this game alot lately, VR 1 to VR2 took me nearly a week to complete just playing outside my work time frame and its really irking me that they are making the new content VR 10. I mean isn't veteran rank already end game? Do I have to grind countless hours every day for a month just to play end game when I'm already here? Hopefully people agree with me that Veterank Rank is a continous grind because it is, and making Craglorn and trials for Veteran Rank 10 is just completely insane. I had fun questing 1-50, exploring each area thoroughly but when I get to Veteran Ranks it has just completely took the fun away from the game. I'm thinking about Unsubbing just for the reason
  • wayne_guarino_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Did I read it wrong? It said for vertern rank 1 and above..

    Craglorn, the first Adventure Zone, specifically created for groups of Veteran Rank 1 and above characters
    Edited by wayne_guarino_ESO on May 2, 2014 4:51AM
  • Merk1nnyou
    Soul Shriven
    Says for Veteran rank rank 10+, which means only a group of Veteran rank 10+ players are able to go to the area
  • wayne_guarino_ESO
    Soul Shriven
  • Merk1nnyou
    Soul Shriven
    If this is true, thanks so much because this would be a game ender. Glad I was wrong
  • wayne_guarino_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    yeah rank 10 would be pretty extreme, Is there anyone even rank 10 yet or even close to it? Doesn't it take a lot linger to get to rank 10 than 1-50?
  • SirAndy
    Craglorn is *not* just VR10. I've been testing it on PTS and ZOS gave us VR9 templates and that worked just fine.

    The zone mobs are level VR11+ but as far as i know, you will be able to go there starting with VR1 ...
    Edited by SirAndy on May 2, 2014 6:17AM
  • Merk1nnyou
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for the comments guys, was really worried about this and yea wayne VR10 is like leveling a toon from 1-50, may even take longer
  • CrispZ
    yeah rank 10 would be pretty extreme, Is there anyone even rank 10 yet or even close to it? Doesn't it take a lot linger to get to rank 10 than 1-50?
    im rank 10 been there a while

  • mattriddle
    It may be open to VR1 and above, but good luck doing anything against VR11+ enemies. It might as well just be open to VR9+ honestly. That's like having a lv1 character in a lv50 zone. Sure, you can go there, but good luck doing anything constructive.
    Streaming ESO M-F Noon-4PM EST
  • Mothanos
    It feels like torture compared to leveling from 1 to 50.
    No main story and you need to complete 100% of a zone or you miss tons and tons of exp to progress to the next zone.

    I am V5 and we have a few V10's in our guild but no way in hell i will do that *** all over again.
    V1 to V5 is one boring quest grind...i realy hope Zenimax is going to offer something other then questing as it stands now i can tell you that tons of people are going to leave this mmo for another.

    Way to many hours of grinding quest to gain exp.
    People who are not V1 yet are going to be in for a major shock i tell you that :P
  • Seabreeze
    mattriddle wrote: »
    It may be open to VR1 and above, but good luck doing anything against VR11+ enemies. It might as well just be open to VR9+ honestly. That's like having a lv1 character in a lv50 zone. Sure, you can go there, but good luck doing anything constructive.

    The devs said in an AMA that it will be possible to do Craglorn content as VR1. It will be harder to do so, but not impossible.
  • ZiRM
    The VR will be what makes people unsubscribe from ESO. Oh and all the bugs...
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • HashxBrowns
    Soul Shriven
    I am happy to hear it will be for vet 1 and up. these vet rank grinds are pretty boring. I might not re sub till at least they come out with some better end game content to easy up on these vet ranks. I host lan parties at my house, 10 people show up on the weekend. sadly all of them but me has quit ESO due to these vet ranks. something needs to be changed or i could see this game failing and going f2p. :|
  • Merk1nnyou
    Soul Shriven
    I see it now going f2p, its a constant grind and really making another toon is out of the question, They should've made at least another zone for veteran ranks yet they choose to do another faction that I was planning on exploring for myself with another class. The dissapointment. :\
  • Etori
    Mothanos wrote: »
    It feels like torture compared to leveling from 1 to 50.
    No main story and you need to complete 100% of a zone or you miss tons and tons of exp to progress to the next zone.

    I am V5 and we have a few V10's in our guild but no way in hell i will do that *** all over again.
    V1 to V5 is one boring quest grind...i realy hope Zenimax is going to offer something other then questing as it stands now i can tell you that tons of people are going to leave this mmo for another.

    Way to many hours of grinding quest to gain exp.
    People who are not V1 yet are going to be in for a major shock i tell you that :P

    This is the main reason I didn't renew my subscription. I had no problems going 1>50 because you can mix and match your playstyle. VR levels are dumb because you pretty much have to none stop quest to level them efficiently. I'm going to wait until they do something about adding more variety to gaining VR levels. I have no problem putting in the work to gain them, but I'm not going to be forced to quest the entire time. Especially when it's just stupid task type quests, and no real storyline behind it.
  • Mothanos
    Its just to much solo quesing, the road to V10 is a boring and lonely road.
    You cant compete in Cyrodiil either as you pretty much need to be V10 or soon V12.........
    Many people wont complete this road before throwing in the towel and look for other games or leave frustrated by many weird game decisions made by Zenimax.
    Some skills are totaly worthless and gimp you so hard that playing the game feels like one big frustrated solo expirience.

    I cant imagen doing this for a second time to level up another alt.
    This mmo while insanely fun to level 50 is taking away that feeling the moment you hit V1.

    Zenimax better intervene soon before the lights go out if it isnt happening already as it seems many people dint renew their sub....:(
  • sushi
    Soul Shriven
    a lot of people from the 4 guilds i am in have un-subbed once they hit the veteran rank grind i really have no idea what they were thinking at ZoS guess they didnt understand 80 - 90 % of a MMO's population are casual players.i almost un-subbed but decided to wait and see what craglorn has to offer if it isnt a homerun well i will chalk it up to $95 for 2 months entertainment
    its so hard to tell what the true population is for this game with a basic lone server that splits every time a shard fills up and the video game sales site i have always used supposedly isnt showing sales from ZoS ,according to a cpl people in my trade guild, hopefully thats true otherwise this games already in the tank 3 weeks after release not even in the top 10 for sales and judging by the 1 maybe 2 partially full pvp campaigns at what is traditionally peak hours i get the feeling the site might be spot on as it is 99% of the time.
    Edited by sushi on May 11, 2014 4:17AM
  • Slantasiam
    you maybe able to get in at v1 the real question is can you get a group. there are many many v10s 1/2 the people in one of the guilds im in is v10
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