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Soul Shriven
First please no trolling, this is a serious post to help cull some of the unwanted game play the majority does not want. Please only post constructively or do not post at all, below is my own personal opinions.

Yes thats right, we need more incentives to actually encourage people to claim objectives IE: Keeps, Outposts & Resource camps on the map. Claiming these objectives on the map does NOT give you jack for successfully achieving a take over.

You can make more AP (Alliance Points) and SAVE more gold (by not buying siege.) You don't want this game to be a zerg based, but you encourage it by your current system.

Why? Because just farming each other running around like a massive zerg. You achieve more AP (Alliance Points) & do not lose any gold. (No need to buy siege if you zerg. Others will do it mentality..) If you want "SMALL GROUP TACTICS" Change your system a tad. Make it so if you capture a Keep, Outpost or Resource camp you get: INSERT YOUR IDEA HERE, Or something like: GOLD, MORE AP. Then maybe this will ENCOURAGE others to focus on objectives and stay away from "Zerg."

All it takes is 6-10 people to capture these objectives in game. Put some more effort into the PvP side of the game before you lose the massive majority who does enjoy this side of the game.

All I ask is fair and equal balance of content additions, PvE and PvP do not focus your efforts all on PvE but at least throw the PvP crowd a bone too. Help compensate the guilds and people who actually take objectives. Maybe throw additional gold buff for being an underdog etc when you do add that new system in place?

While we are on the subject how come we cannot use GOLD to buy ALL the siege weaponry? Or at least reduce the price of the AP. You cannot afford to buy siege weaponry with AP if you are running around as a small group taking objectives and actually doing work for your campaign. It's not possible unless you actually farm other players for AP. This is fundamentally broken, again it encourages zerg tactics because of the lack of rewards of objective capturing.

Edited by Joykiller on May 1, 2014 9:18PM
Ebonheart Pact - Campaign: Bloodthorn
  • nukeyoo
    Joykiller wrote: »
    You cannot afford to buy siege weaponry with AP if you are running around as a small group taking objectives and actually doing work for your campaign. It's not possible unless you actually farm other players for AP. This is fundamentally broken, again it encourages zerg tactics because of the lack of rewards of objective capturing.

    It's called PvP for a reason. Not PvDoor. Substantially increasing pvDooring rewards will only reward more zerging with the factions already rolling over everyone and objective trade off farming amongst others. The current setup encourages that thing you call "farm other players." Others call it PvP. I'm guessing you can't afford siege equipment via AP because your small group is lacking in its ability to "farm other players."

    Pick one...

    Moderator Edit: Removed Pictures
    Edited by ZOS_JoanaL on May 1, 2014 11:09PM
    - done w/ it
  • Kewljag_66_ESO
    They dont want people avoiding enemy players and going after undefended keeps and objectives for better rewards. This was a huge problem in games like Warhammer and GW2, It was called circling or trading. They dont want that in ESO. they want you engaging enemy players, thats why they are worth the best rewards. there is already 2 big reasons to take farms and keeps. (1) it draws the enemy to a keep seige / defense where each side will make rewards killing each other. (2) you gain bonuses for controlling more objectives. These bonuses effect your enteire campaign alliance in every zone. Your characters are stronger, make more gold, and progress faster.
  • Shadrail
    I just want more xp. However ZOS wants to make that happen I'll be good. Don't get me wrong, xp from defending is good but only so long as the enemy keeps running into my fire pots. When they are all dead its on to the next.
  • Joykiller
    Soul Shriven
    Dont give me this PvDoor crap excuse because if they didnt want that to be the case then they would of worked potential point objectives more towards kill base objectives.

    The only reason why you get more AP farming people is because they are a bunch of idiots running in at lvl 10 without a force and dying one at a time. They keep coming back and crying then leaving because no organized group to tell them what to do.

    They need to FIX the FARMING of noobs, Put in a Table so that when you kill x person once its on that list of 20 people and those 20 on the list give NO AP or VP till that name is pushed off by killing the 21st Person on the list..

    The point is I spent like 100,000g over the past few weeks buying siege, Buying forward camps for 7,800 AP etc. Change the objectives to win a map based on kill percentages then instead of PvDoor objectives. If thats the case.

    To win the Campaign you have to capture objectives. Majority of the time no one does it and they just run around 24-7 farming people and not giving a ***. The way the Scoring system works is based off PVDoor not PvP. So again either change the system to Zerg based PvP "Farming" or Fix as listed above.
    Edited by Joykiller on May 2, 2014 12:04AM
    Ebonheart Pact - Campaign: Bloodthorn
  • Joykiller
    Soul Shriven
    These bonuses effect your enteire campaign alliance in every zone. Your characters are stronger, make more gold, and progress faster.

    How do you make more gold? Because surely you cannot do this in PvP. Maybe they should add a 10% kill drop off players for their gold like EQ did for PvP.
    Edited by Joykiller on May 1, 2014 11:48PM
    Ebonheart Pact - Campaign: Bloodthorn
  • ishilb14_ESO
    @Nukeyoo lol you're not very smart are you? there is no PvDoor in this game because players cannot damage doors or walls without siege. And your definition of PvP is really ZergvZerg farming.

    @Kewljag_66_ESO‌ did you even play gw2? because the only reason people did that there was to karma train, which is the same thing that's happening here except in the form of zerg farming. @Joykiller isn't asking for massive rewards for capping objectives, which is by the way the only way to actually score points to win a campaign (not zerg farming which only gives personal alliance points), what he wants is there to be something more than 200-400 meager alliance points for capping a keep, which is supposed to be the second highest PPT value behind a scroll. So yes, Zenimax needs to add some more rewards to compensate players for actually accomplishing things which go towards the PPT.
    Original DC #Bloodthorn2014
    CoFounder - Terror
    Officer - Mega Best Friends
    Officer - Eminent Gaming

  • Joykiller
    Soul Shriven
    @Nukeyoo lol you're not very smart are you? there is no PvDoor in this game because players cannot damage doors or walls without siege. And your definition of PvP is really ZergvZerg farming.

    @Kewljag_66_ESO‌ did you even play gw2? because the only reason people did that there was to karma train, which is the same thing that's happening here except in the form of zerg farming. @Joykiller isn't asking for massive rewards for capping objectives, which is by the way the only way to actually score points to win a campaign (not zerg farming which only gives personal alliance points), what he wants is there to be something more than 200-400 meager alliance points for capping a keep, which is supposed to be the second highest PPT value behind a scroll. So yes, Zenimax needs to add some more rewards to compensate players for actually accomplishing things which go towards the PPT.

    Thank you there is some smart people that play this game!
    Ebonheart Pact - Campaign: Bloodthorn
  • nukeyoo
    @Nukeyoo lol you're not very smart are you? there is no PvDoor in this game because players cannot damage doors or walls without siege. And your definition of PvP is really ZergvZerg farming.
    Yes, obviously I'm the unintelligent one that can't grasp the concept of PvDoor. Yes you need siege to attack a door, but what else do you need? Oh that's right! A player. By your understanding PvP is really Spells/Weapons/Abilities Vs. Armor/Resists/HP. I'll start traveling to Cyrodiil for some S/W/AvA/R/HP!

    It's obvious from the OP having spent so much gold on siege and your own rere comments that you both need to try to "get good". Rewards for killing NPCs has its place in PVE not in PVP.

    Edited by nukeyoo on May 2, 2014 1:59AM
    - done w/ it
  • Joykiller
    Soul Shriven
    nukeyoo wrote: »
    @Nukeyoo lol you're not very smart are you? there is no PvDoor in this game because players cannot damage doors or walls without siege. And your definition of PvP is really ZergvZerg farming.
    Yes, obviously I'm the unintelligent one that can't grasp the concept of PvDoor. Yes you need siege to attack a door, but what else do you need? Oh that's right! A player. By your understanding PvP is really Spells/Weapons/Abilities Vs. Armor/Resists/HP. I'll start traveling to Cyrodiil for some S/W/AvA/R/HP!

    It's obvious from the OP having spent so much gold on siege and your own rere comments that you both need to try to "get good". Rewards for killing NPCs has its place in PVE not in PVP.

    Yeah thats right because with me spending so much money weekly on siege is because I need to get good. It's showing an imbalance which is why im voicing my opinion on the matter.

    You on the other hand come in here post unconstructively about how we are "Bad or need to get good" because we focus on objectives that Zenimax wanted us to do based on objective timer for PPT. Instead of mindlessly farming zergs to get VP/AP.

    Hopefully Zenimax listens and adds a Table to cull zerg farming.

    Note: I'm on the top 50 on our server (and my ranks have been falling because I'd rather do objectives to help the campaign than farm useless newbs like you.) My group is one of the groups who actually reclaims scrolls and keeps. Anyhow it's not like the stupid excuse of a leader board matters anyway when you can run around spamming resto staff to get AP/XP because that is how you get good in this game.
    Edited by Joykiller on May 2, 2014 2:46AM
    Ebonheart Pact - Campaign: Bloodthorn
  • ishilb14_ESO
    @nukeyoo‌ it's clear to me that you haven't even read the original post and that you are one of those people who argue just for the sake of arguing and not actually to accomplish anything, so stop venting about you're lack of intelligence here because the original discussion is about providing incentives to cap objectives not about disincentives to kill other players, and if you'd actually played other mmos, you'd know that PvDoor refers specifically to players damaging doors without the use of siege or similar mechanics.
    Now back to the actual topic of this thread: there needs to be more incentive for actually capping objectives, which like I said before, is the only way to actually score points that count towards the campaign

    EDIT: @nukeyoo‌ I like the comment in your sig, makes you look real smart lol
    Edited by ishilb14_ESO on May 2, 2014 4:06AM
    Original DC #Bloodthorn2014
    CoFounder - Terror
    Officer - Mega Best Friends
    Officer - Eminent Gaming

  • nukeyoo
    @nukeyoo‌ it's clear to me that you haven't even read the original post and that you are one of those people who argue just for the sake of arguing and not actually to accomplish anything, so stop venting about you're lack of intelligence here because the original discussion is about providing incentives to cap objectives not about disincentives to kill other players, and if you'd actually played other mmos, you'd know that PvDoor refers specifically to players damaging doors without the use of siege or similar mechanics.
    Now back to the actual topic of this thread: there needs to be more incentive for actually capping objectives, which like I said before, is the only way to actually score points that count towards the campaign

    EDIT: @nukeyoo‌ I like the comment in your sig, makes you look real smart lol

    I read the OP and its intentions were quite clear. I've merely pointed out what it will inevitably lead to. We are all entitled to our opinions whether constructive in your mind or not.

    PvDoor may have your specific definition in other games such as GW2 but its a well known broad term across many others referring to what the OP is trying to promote. Players vs doors/walls/npcs.

    Lol, if you perceived my sig as serious. Something so simple going over your head speaks volumes... but please continue your insults.
    Edited by ZOS_JoanaL on May 3, 2014 1:18AM
    - done w/ it
  • Zintair
    I think there is perfectly enough incentive for capping objectives.

    You literally claimed in one of your replies that you are dropping on the leaderboard in order to capture stuff for the PPT. Is winning the campaign not enough incentive for you?

    I can promise you AP incentives on objectives is a TERRIBAD idea. It failed in WAR and will fail here. Points need to be earned from killing people.


    If you have ever taken a keep that was heavily defended or defended a location that was heavily attacked you can get upwards of 20k AP in 20/30 minutes from the defense/claim bonuses.

    The key is to actually defend stuff or attack it. The problem is people are still wandering around aimlessly without a clue what to do. If everyone ran organized groups it would be a much different scenario. You can't cater to this unfortunately.

    I think ZoS did a pretty good job of handling incentives for fighting and attacking defending.

    May I ask why you feel there isn't enough incentive?

    What exactly does AP gain you if you do not care about the leaderboard??

    The only thing I can think of is PvP rank. But I can't even recall seeing that on enemies.
    Zintair aka Primetime - VR14 - Guild Leader and PvP Dept Leader
  • Joykiller
    Soul Shriven
    AP gain required for the siege, its too damn high. at least give us the ability to buy siege with gold or reduce the costs in siege. Just stating capturing doesn't give respected value as it should based on cost of the equipment you buy even when there is a small force defending.
    Ebonheart Pact - Campaign: Bloodthorn
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