Feedback from ZoS?

There is obviously a lot of concern over the PTS patch. We are losing people at a rapid rate. There is a majority of people on the forum disliking the patch in the extreme, with this mirrored on the likes of Twitch and Youtube.. This has now been several days since it was announced and yet there has been no response.

Is there any chance of a statement or some kind of feedback from ZoS?
Edited by pklemming on July 15, 2022 6:17AM
  • DreamyLu
    Just to put things in perspective: I don't think that this forum is representative of ESO population. I rather believe that those posting in this forum are representative of a certain category of players that is probably a minority: those deeply involved in ESO end game and/or PvP, very much concerned by specific builds, specific sets and such. You can tell from the subjects of the topics. You can also tell from the amount of people voting at polls, that is very little in comparison to amount of ESO players.

    Most probably, a vast majority of players are casual PvEers doing one public dungeon once in a while, not caring about fulfilling all achievements of the game, not grinding for sets or else and not even knowing that this forum is existing.

    I have unfortunately never seen any figures. That would be very interesting.
    Edited by DreamyLu on July 15, 2022 6:31AM
    I'm out of my mind, feel free to leave a message... PC/NA
  • pklemming
    It is not representative, as you said, not everyone is on here. The sheer amount of negative responses on here and media are higher than anything I remember seeing previously.

    The other group of silent players are going to be surprised that some stuff they could do, they can no longer do, and will wonder why.

    All we can use as a guide is what is posted here, You Tube, Twitch, Discord, in order to rate the level of negativity surrounding the PTS patch. That and the personal sudden drop off trial and progression groups, with friends just leaving the game.

    The people posting are those running numbers and seeing those numbers do not even closely match those given in the initial outline, and attempting to tell ZoS that this is going to cause a lot of problems.

    The lack of a statement is annoying, to put it mildly. My feelings are that the mid-end game is going to get hit hard enough to reach critical numbers, leading to more people leaving as the type of content they enjoy no longer has sufficient players. That is my own feelings, though, and not backed up by any data.
  • Digibrax
    As a representative of casual gameplay and lower mid-game player base, I can tell you that I really don't care about any of the updates they implement concerning combat changes, parses, PvP or anything else.

    I am here just to have fun, get in an ocasional dungeon, engage in few BGs, and collect 200+ telvar from a daily quest in IC.
    Everything else is just me trying to do daily endeavors, writs, collect some motifs through thieving and so on.

    I consider myself as basic and as casual as one can be. I don't even have or pay for ESO+. And I believe there are many players like me, that are not affected or even bothered with changes in this or any similar game. We are here just to have fun not to compete. There are other competitive games better suited for that :)
    Edited by Digibrax on July 15, 2022 6:53AM
  • pklemming
    That pretty much hits the casual brief. Nothing mid-tier there, no dungeons (dlc, or not), no entry vet stuff, no trials. Yeah, changes are not going to bother you at all.

    I am not sure you are really in a position to say what game is better suited or where we should compete, or comment on the changes that affect a significant portion of the player-base who have spent years in this game.
  • fizzylu
    The thing is, it's easy to say these changes aren't going to bother someone who is just there to "have fun".... until suddenly dungeon/bg queue times are longer than ever, the population in zones drastically drop so world events and bosses take longer or are even impossible to complete, the economy crashes due to lack of players buying/selling items, and so much more.
    Whether or not the changes actually impact your gameplay personally, if there is an outcry of concern for the overall health of the game from any demographic of players.... you should care. And this one is a big one. From my personal interaction and experience with ESO players; many, including myself, have already been at a breaking point with the game.... and this patch could really be the final nail in the coffin for a lot of players.
  • Lucozade85
    I don't think they care what we think.
  • ADarklore
    Lucozade85 wrote: »
    I don't think they care what we think.

    You are right! They don't. If they did, they would take suggestions made on PTS to heart, but they don't. They treat PTS as a 'bug tester' only and anything else is disregarded. I've been playing ESO off and on for years, and have very rarely ever seen them take PTS comments to heart, but bug fixes, I've seen many (not all) addressed. I know the High Isle PTS, hardly anyone participated... this time I think people are participating to see how badly they will be impacted and whether or not they should just leave the game. I know a lot of people left with High Isle, feeling ZOS didn't offer anything they wanted, some I'm sure planned to return... although this, this may change that opinion. I know ZOS has had it easy, there aren't a whole lot of good, modern MMORPG's out there right now... but there are several in the works. I think when they begin to drop, if ZOS hasn't already lost most of it's player base, it will at that time. I also have a feeling that ESO 6 is constantly being delayed because of the fear that it will cause ESO to become a complete ghost town... so right now they are milking every $$ until ESO 6 drops.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • pklemming
    Lucozade85 wrote: »
    I don't think they care what we think.

    I really wish that wasn't the case. I have had a lot of fun in this game and made a lot of friends. Some I will keep, but others will drift off. It is annoying to see so many great people leaving and know that ZoS doesn't seem to care one way or the other.

    Also, our progression got so far from the early days of nCR through to completing the majority of vet DLC HM trials. Seeing that fall apart too now is gut wrenching.

    I will probably end up in GW2, much to the delight of my wife. I will see who I can drag along with me, so we can still group and keep in touch. Half of the people I know are going to FF, though, so yeah, torn.
    Edited by pklemming on July 15, 2022 11:21AM
  • PrincessOfThieves
    fizzylu wrote: »
    The thing is, it's easy to say these changes aren't going to bother someone who is just there to "have fun".... until suddenly dungeon/bg queue times are longer than ever, the population in zones drastically drop so world events and bosses take longer or are even impossible to complete, the economy crashes due to lack of players buying/selling items, and so much more.
    Whether or not the changes actually impact your gameplay personally, if there is an outcry of concern for the overall health of the game from any demographic of players.... you should care. And this one is a big one. From my personal interaction and experience with ESO players; many, including myself, have already been at a breaking point with the game.... and this patch could really be the final nail in the coffin for a lot of players.

    Yeah. People who say "I don't care, it doesn't affect me personally" fail to see the implications. It's all well and good until you can't find people to help you with a world boss, sell you crowns for the newest shiny mount or craft you gear or furnishings. Even quest content is funded by people paying for the game, so if the amount of subscribers drops drastically, they'd have to invest less into making new stories.
    Also, there's another thing. Super casual people don't spend as much as dedicated players (and by dedicated I mean everyone - housing enthusiasts, raiders, pvpers). They buy ESO+, full price chapters, even crown crates. Driving these players away is not a good decision even from a purely financial standpoint. You can't really replace someone who buys new houses, crown crates and stuff with a super casual Joe who buys ESO on sale for 5 Euros and plays it once in a while. Nothing against casual Joes btw, all playstyles are valid. :)
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