There is a memory issue with the Mac client which is more frequent on Cyrodiil.Jens_Tillemanb16_ESO wrote: »When i'm in cyrodill i don't have any problems... but when i'm in a pvp group running towards a large group of players I mostly crash which is VERY annoying... anyone that can bring me a solution for this ?
You can try to reduce graphics settings especially Texture Quality to Low may help at least to extend time between crashes and there will be some fixes incoming in the future that will hopefully help the core issue.Jens_Tillemanb16_ESO wrote: »Thanks for the fast responds guys, makes me look at the game at another angle.. Normal i don't read forums but... it seems like i have to do it a little more often.. Lets just hope for a fix :-) altho thanks.
sorry for my english its not my native lang.