Buff/Debuff Add-on

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
Anyone know a good buff/debuff add-on that i can use that would be customized in the ui for placement? Im currently using FTC without its debuffs only cuz i like it's scrolling text. My UI currently using Azurah. The only problem it has is that it doesn't display the debuffs i place on an enemy. Example being soul tap since im playing a sorc dps. The debuff that soultap should place on an enemy does not appear anywhere.

Thanks in advance.
  • Brocklin
    Soul Shriven
    Don't know where you've checked, but try looking on Curse.com, see what's there. I haven't used one yet, but will holler if I find one.
  • Cairenn
    You can't find it because it isn't possible to show any more. That's one of the things Zenimax locked away just before launch.
    Co-founder & Administrator
  • Comaetilico
    as said before buff/debuff tracking have been removed from the API... this mean that addons have no accesso to such information... the closest thing you can find is a workarounf used by some addons (such as Foundry tactical combat), the workaround is to use the skill listed duration to assume the duration of the buff debuff (and cross check value alteration avaible to see if the buff end before the duration...)

    this way you can at least track buff debuff on self and those that you impose... some of them still may be inacurate since there is no way to track the effect of some buff (for example mark target that doesn't change any statistic nor on self nor the target... you don't have way to know if the debuff is cleared midway or actualy last for the total duration)

    this is the best you can get with the actual API
  • epouranios
    Wow, thats lame. Thanks for the answers all. I'll be on the lookout for it. I used FTC i just didn't like the whole ui of it so im only using bits and pieces. Thanks again.
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