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[BUG]Can't interact with quest things at WB dailies and Delve quest in group - still bugged

Hi, I can't say if it is related to doing dailies for WB a Delves in group or with companions or both. But with Wife we encountered problems with Faun Falls WB daily and Shipwreck Shoals Delve quest.
In both we can't progress the quests because we can't use the corpses for taking rings (WB) and "Enemy Intelligence" books (Delve quest) when we was in group with companions.
In delve we met someone who had exactly same problem, he can interact with that book but for quest was not counted and there was still quest marker.
After 3rd try of canceling and resharing quest I decided to leave our group and take away companion. And after that we finaly completed that delve quest and we went to complete that WB daily alone without companions and group and it was succefully completed.
So, group or companion (it will be not a first time when companion bugged whole quest) or both?
Edited by davidtk on July 9, 2022 8:04AM
Really sorry for my english
  • Turtilla
    Me and my partner just ran into the same issue, so thank you for the post clearing up how to fix it. We were not doing a daily, just the delve with our new companions :smile:
    PC | EU
    @Turtilla | CP2100+
    Heal/magplar (Dunmer) | Healden (Altmer) | Stamcro (Orc) | Magcro (Khajiit) | DK tank (Argonian) | Sorc tank (Nord)
    vAA HM (146.4k Harrowstorm) - vHRC HM - vSO HM - vMoL HM (169.4k Dragonhold, 171.4k Flames of Ambition) - vHoF HM (TTT 214.7k Dragonhold, 208.1k Greymoor, 210.2k Stonethorn, 209.4k Flames of Ambition) - vAS+2 (IR 113.7k Greymoor, 114.4k Greymoor) - vCR+3 (GH 129.5k Greymoor, 129.4k Greymoor, 131.1 Flames of Ambition) - vSS HM (GS 244.1k Flames of Ambition, 245.6k Flames of Ambition) - vKA HM (DB 238.5k Blackwood) - vRG HM - vDSR+1 - vBRP - vDSA - vMA (Flawless Magplar, Magsorc, Magcro) - vVH
    vCoS - vRoM - vFH - vBF - vSCP - vFL - vMHK - vMoS - vLoM - vIR - vUG
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  • Turtilla
    Turtilla wrote: »
    Me and my partner just ran into the same issue, so thank you for the post clearing up how to fix it. We were not doing a daily, just the delve with our new companions :smile:

    Yeah... It only fixed picking a specific one up. We still were unable to pick the last one up DESPITE unsummoning our companions and re-doing the quest. Really frustrating so I hope it gets fixed soon so others don't waste their time on it!
    PC | EU
    @Turtilla | CP2100+
    Heal/magplar (Dunmer) | Healden (Altmer) | Stamcro (Orc) | Magcro (Khajiit) | DK tank (Argonian) | Sorc tank (Nord)
    vAA HM (146.4k Harrowstorm) - vHRC HM - vSO HM - vMoL HM (169.4k Dragonhold, 171.4k Flames of Ambition) - vHoF HM (TTT 214.7k Dragonhold, 208.1k Greymoor, 210.2k Stonethorn, 209.4k Flames of Ambition) - vAS+2 (IR 113.7k Greymoor, 114.4k Greymoor) - vCR+3 (GH 129.5k Greymoor, 129.4k Greymoor, 131.1 Flames of Ambition) - vSS HM (GS 244.1k Flames of Ambition, 245.6k Flames of Ambition) - vKA HM (DB 238.5k Blackwood) - vRG HM - vDSR+1 - vBRP - vDSA - vMA (Flawless Magplar, Magsorc, Magcro) - vVH
    vCoS - vRoM - vFH - vBF - vSCP - vFL - vMHK - vMoS - vLoM - vIR - vUG
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  • Turtilla
    So I finally got it done and:

    1) I left the instance, unsummoned any assistants, abandoned the quest, picked it up again, and then did it.
    2) I did all of the quest points on the outside BEFORE going into the part where you free the NPC. Before I did it in a different order and perhaps that matters too :smile:
    PC | EU
    @Turtilla | CP2100+
    Heal/magplar (Dunmer) | Healden (Altmer) | Stamcro (Orc) | Magcro (Khajiit) | DK tank (Argonian) | Sorc tank (Nord)
    vAA HM (146.4k Harrowstorm) - vHRC HM - vSO HM - vMoL HM (169.4k Dragonhold, 171.4k Flames of Ambition) - vHoF HM (TTT 214.7k Dragonhold, 208.1k Greymoor, 210.2k Stonethorn, 209.4k Flames of Ambition) - vAS+2 (IR 113.7k Greymoor, 114.4k Greymoor) - vCR+3 (GH 129.5k Greymoor, 129.4k Greymoor, 131.1 Flames of Ambition) - vSS HM (GS 244.1k Flames of Ambition, 245.6k Flames of Ambition) - vKA HM (DB 238.5k Blackwood) - vRG HM - vDSR+1 - vBRP - vDSA - vMA (Flawless Magplar, Magsorc, Magcro) - vVH
    vCoS - vRoM - vFH - vBF - vSCP - vFL - vMHK - vMoS - vLoM - vIR - vUG
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  • davidtk
    I made done delve quest for my wife when she reshared that quest so I taked book and she get credit :) but then i encounter same problem, so left group, unsummon and take it again.
    But I don't have much time for more testing if it is because of group or because of companions...
    Edited by davidtk on June 7, 2022 10:35AM
    Really sorry for my english
  • MreeBiPolar
    It is not only the dailies. Had the same happen with Ember's quest, where the guar was standing on the bridge, with the quest marker, but was non-interactable, too.
  • Turtilla
    It is not only the dailies. Had the same happen with Ember's quest, where the guar was standing on the bridge, with the quest marker, but was non-interactable, too.

    Yeah, that one is fixed by logging out and back in though, and the Shipwreck Shoal one does not. Nor do I get the Explorer achievement there despite having done the quest, killed the boss, picked the skyshard up (this has nothing to do with what you said, but I wanted to add this to this bug report thread).
    PC | EU
    @Turtilla | CP2100+
    Heal/magplar (Dunmer) | Healden (Altmer) | Stamcro (Orc) | Magcro (Khajiit) | DK tank (Argonian) | Sorc tank (Nord)
    vAA HM (146.4k Harrowstorm) - vHRC HM - vSO HM - vMoL HM (169.4k Dragonhold, 171.4k Flames of Ambition) - vHoF HM (TTT 214.7k Dragonhold, 208.1k Greymoor, 210.2k Stonethorn, 209.4k Flames of Ambition) - vAS+2 (IR 113.7k Greymoor, 114.4k Greymoor) - vCR+3 (GH 129.5k Greymoor, 129.4k Greymoor, 131.1 Flames of Ambition) - vSS HM (GS 244.1k Flames of Ambition, 245.6k Flames of Ambition) - vKA HM (DB 238.5k Blackwood) - vRG HM - vDSR+1 - vBRP - vDSA - vMA (Flawless Magplar, Magsorc, Magcro) - vVH
    vCoS - vRoM - vFH - vBF - vSCP - vFL - vMHK - vMoS - vLoM - vIR - vUG
    YouTube channel
    Twitch channel
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Hi everyone, just confirming we've seen your reports and are working on getting this fixed. In the meantime, temporarily leaving any group should allow you to complete this daily.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • davidtk
    Oh thank you very much Gina for answer!
    Really sorry for my english
  • davidtk
    Btw this temporary solution working. Just when you are in group and want to take quest things, just disband group and finnish daily.
    Really sorry for my english
  • Ragged_Claw
    Just had this issue, was in group with partner and companions. We managed to pick up the first two documents, but the we couldn't get the third (under the up-turned ship). Our characters were going into the animation, but nothing happened. Other players came and picked it up with no problem. We left the delve, disbanded the group and put our companions away, but still no luck. We haven't abandoned and restarted yet, cba. Also the delve boss took a long time to respawn and then didn't count for the clear (managed to loot, got set piece etc).
    PC EU & NA
  • davidtk
    Just had this issue, was in group with partner and companions. We managed to pick up the first two documents, but the we couldn't get the third (under the up-turned ship). Our characters were going into the animation, but nothing happened. Other players came and picked it up with no problem. We left the delve, disbanded the group and put our companions away, but still no luck. We haven't abandoned and restarted yet, cba. Also the delve boss took a long time to respawn and then didn't count for the clear (managed to loot, got set piece etc).

    First time with wife we managed to complete her quest that way:
    I canceled quest, she shared again, I taked document that counted for her so she could complete delve quest and I after it several times tried do something and after it I canceled quest, leaved group and taked quest again for solo.
    Now we just trying do quests in group if we are lucky but remembered quests or WBs we disband group for taking quest items and again make group.
    Really sorry for my english
  • davidtk
    Deadlands WB dailies too! @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Kevin
    Now i encounter problem with Daily Unmaker's Hoard. Same issue as on High Isle. Just can't take last daedric peice in group.
    It is funny just because Unmaker boss is invisible :)
    Really sorry for my english
  • Marcusorion1
    Unmaker's Hoard still bugged for a piece of daedric armour - can't pick it up. Bug gets passed on to any one that joins the group for a share.
  • dannv
    Same issue with us in Shipwreck. IT's still broken as of tonight. Seems pretty slow fixing bugs on this patch.

    Still can't get the "free" house on my second account but got it no problem on my first.
  • davidtk
    @ZOS_GinaBruno May I please ask if dev know some details or eta? Thank you.
    Really sorry for my english
  • HedgeHugger
    Shipwreck shoals is bugged on Xbox. Ungrouping does nothing. Didn't want to have to abandon quest, just to run around the delve again picking everything up. This is the story quest for the delve, not the daily. Just ended up abandoning it until a future date where it might be patched.
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