[LORE] Lets talk about yokuda, the redguards and their culture.

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Hello, i am a fan of the Yokudan lore and culture. And in Redguard in general, but i did not see that much topic about them so far.
I know that Yokudan and redguard are inspired by Mauritania in west Africa. (also i can reconize alot of inspiration from Muslim cultures here and there) But Yokuda is bigger than Mauritania, and have different weathers, and we know that weather act on human behaves, clothes, food...ect.

So i create one here, where we can geek, talk, and discust every bits and bit what could be their culture and how was life on Yokuda, and how is should be now in Hammerfell.

So, first of all. When we talk about people and culture, we need a map,


Here in this map, we can see that Yokudans islands are not completly sink into the sea. But we also see, how much of the land is actually into the sea too ! Wich is amazing, because it show us, that Yokuda was Two giant main Isles, with few smaller arround, and together they were as big as Akavir. And now, it is just the top of what was before the mountains, that we see !

We can see also the size of Yokuda, and we can notice that the north is at the same level as Skyrim, and the south, is at the same level as Summerset Island.

Since climate and weather, act on humans cultures and behave. We can conclude, that Yokuda had at least two type of weather, a nordic frozen one, and a warm tropical one. I would love artstyle depicted Yokudans in such situations.

We aslo know that Hira, had his army made of orcs. So we can imagine that they had already ships coming from Orcsimer. So maybe they had contact with the first humans of Tamriel ? (forgot their name)

What do you think of all this ? I would love to get your thoughts about this subject.
  • Froil
    This is a fanmade map; we cannot interpret Yokuda's original size, climates or anything from it, such as altitudes, latitudes or the like.
    "Best" healer PC/NA
  • HMDCrafting
    And this is "Community Creation" section of the Forum. If you wont join in into "create" something about Yokuda lore, map, culture, food. You are on the wrong topic. I am looking for community imagination, not what is canon.
  • Shardan4968
    Yokudans are from the previous kalpa, because the sinister elves (aliens) nuked their world, but handful of remaning yokudans used the sinister highly advanced technology to transport to a different universe, but were followed by elves before the inter-dimensional portal was closed. There both races started from stone age again. Also those "orcs" were actually androids. The continent was drowned to avoid further spread of sinister aliens and conviniently erasing all of the proof of my theory.

    I wish I could contribute more, but sadly I haven't read about TES lore since forever, sorry.
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