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What do you think will help against the fight against botter's and hackers?

  • Loxy37
    reggielee wrote: »
    restrict the ability for a built-in scripting interface via the addon interface. Im willing to lose my addons to stop these losers

    A lot just use macros which even the client just recognises as a legit keyboard/mouse key. Not all the bots use a hack!

  • Sadae
    reggielee wrote: »
    restrict the ability for a built-in scripting interface via the addon interface. Im willing to lose my addons to stop these losers
    People need to stop blaming the AddOn API. It has nothing whatsoever to do with botting. It's not even possible. The professional gold farmers/sellers intercept packet data going to and from the server and they write custom software to modify it in order to bot & hack. (ie: insta-teleport to gathering nodes, speed hacks, etc.)
  • Melian
    All of the above.
  • Pseudolo
    Make crafting nodes in randomized locations.
    I think randomizing nodes would help a bit, and would be cost effective.
  • MrLee
    Why do bots exist?? To farm gold to make real money.

    Who buys the gold/items etc?? The cheaters/the players with not much time to play..

    YOU MOAN AND CRY,but they must be selling lots of gold because they wouldn't hang around.

    I don't see on your poll to BAN Gold Buyers.
  • Sadae
    @MrLee - Although true, that will never solve the problem. And the honest players shouldn't have to suffer an unaffordable market where you can only afford things if you buy Gold from the farmers.
  • LadyLothi
    Figure out another way.
    I just find it sad that the reason we have all these bot problems, are that there are ppl out there who actually make it worth their while!!
    We can all rage against the bots and gold spammers and so on, but it's all because of the ppl who actually buy their gold and items!!

    ^This. I'm very glad that at least two people in this discussion had the presence of mind to adress the one true issue of the core of this all, and this issue isn't even present in the poll.

    As long as there is no risk for the buyers, there will always be sellers. As long as there are sellers, there will be bots.

    Penalize the buyers and then do something against the mechanics that allow botting. Everything else will always be an uphill battle.
    "It's easy, a child of five could do it. Unfortunately, we don't have a child of five, so I have to walk YOU through it." Abnur Tharn <3
  • Chryos
    Implement 1, 2, 3.
    Your right I did not address the buyers. I figured most were smart enough to not give their money or their personal data to criminals. Banning the buyers have been brought up in other posts. However, people made mention that because friends transferred large amount of gold, they were getting erronously banned for that.

    However, it's the internet and you can't really believe what people say anyway.
    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
  • Gisgo
    Ban the buyers, save your time.
    Edited by Gisgo on May 13, 2014 11:52AM
  • yizudien
    Soul Shriven
    Figure out another way.
    They need to understand the weaknesses in the code and take actions to prevent the people for exploiting this. This happens with a lot of new MMORPG's and I feel with more and more people being able to code you will see this more in different games.

    Not sure if you could flag suspicious behavior in the logs; there are a lot of AI routines that people use for security to tell if suspicious activity is happening. They may have to do something like that and ban the accounts that flag true to something like this until they can fix the game code that allows a person to do this.
  • Zaxq
    MrLee wrote: »
    Why do bots exist?? To farm gold to make real money.

    Who buys the gold/items etc?? The cheaters/the players with not much time to play..

    YOU MOAN AND CRY,but they must be selling lots of gold because they wouldn't hang around.

    I don't see on your poll to BAN Gold Buyers.

    Its a lot harder to identify the buyers, although it is possible.

    No one has said that its an either/or proposition though.

    How about a joined-up strategy? Do all of the above suggestions in unison.

  • cyclonus11
    I saw what appeared to be a bot trap yesterday in Deshaan. The bot would run from the wayshrine a little ways, around some rocks, then spontaneously die. She'd respawn at the wayshrine, run the exact same route, and die in the exact same place. The process was repeating indefinitely. It was amusing to watch for a while.
  • Anath_Q
    Figure out another way.
    Other way.
    • Hire active GMs to monitor chat and all zones
    • Ban buyers (and no making it all better by refunding their money)
    • Ban sellers (and no making it better by refunding their money...if the CC was stolen, then Zeni will work that out with the relevant credit card fraud department)
    • Implement the coding and other security changes suggested in so many other threads
    | GM Cheesemongers of Nirn |
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