Order For Playing (my helpful guide)

This is only for anyone who wants to play the game by the order of release, and is my own way of playing through the content. ESO however, is meant to be able to start anywhere you want, at any chapter you want. But if you would like to have a little bit of an order to it, then you can follow this guide I made up! Usually what I do is do the main quest for each area, then clear the map before I move on (locales, skyshards, dungeons, ect). If I am missing anything, or got something wrong, please do not hesitate to let me know and I will edit it!

Before doing anything, I would join the Mage's Guild and Fighter's Guild. I have the actual completing of them further down the list. But as you progress through the alliance zones, you should be able to level them all to max and do the whole questline for each relatively quickly once you're done with the alliances.

1) Main Quest (First quest giver is Hooded Figure)
-Note that every 10 character levels, your character can get a new quest for the main quest-line. Just go to any city and talk to the prophet when his projection appears outside the city gate.
-In order to unlock the final quest for the main quest, you need to complete the Coldharbour zone.

2) Alliance Zones
-Depending on what Alliance you choose, will depend on what order you complete each of the Alliance's Zones.

If you chose PACT

First zone is Bleakrock Isle, then Balmora, Stonefalls, Deshaan, Shadowfen, Eastmarch, Rift, and Coldharbour.

Then you start Cadwell's Silver. Which is, Stros M'Kai, Betnikh, Glenumbra, Stormhaven, Rivenspire, Alik'r, and Bangkorai

Finally you do Cadewell's Gold. Which is Khenarthi's Roost, Auridon, Grahtwood, Greenshade, Malabal Tor, and Reaper's March

If you chose Daggerfall Covenant

First zone is Stros M'Kai, Betnikh, Glenumbra, Stormhaven, Rivenspire, Alik'r, Bangkorai, and Coldharbour

Then you start Cadwell's Silver. Which is, Khenarthi's Roost, Auridon, Grahtwood, Greenshade, Malabal Tor, and Reaper's March

Finally you do Cadewell's Gold. Which is Bleakrock Isle, then Balmora, Stonefalls, Deshaan, Shadowfen, Eastmarch, and the Rift.

If you chose Aldmeri Dominion

First zone is Khenarthi's Roost, Auridon, Grahtwood, Greenshade, Malabal Tor, Reaper's March, and Coldharbour

Then you start Cadwell's Silver. Which is, Bleakrock Isle, then Balmora, Stonefalls, Deshaan, Shadowfen, Eastmarch, and the Rift.

Finally you do Cadewell's Gold. Which is Stros M'Kai, Betnikh, Glenumbra, Stormhaven, Rivenspire, Alik'r, and Bangkorai

3) Cyrodiil
-This is not about PvP. This is about getting the dungeons, skyshards, PvE quests done in this area. PvP can be done at anytime during this list, and is not included in it.

4) Mage's Guild
-Quest giver found in any Mage's Guild. Talk to Valaste.
-For every level you reach in the Mage's Guild skill (you get the final quest at Mage's Guild lvl 5), will get you another quest. You should see a quest giver in front of any guildhall.

5) Fighter's Guild
-Quest giver found in any fighter's guild. Talk to Sees-All-Colors.
-For every level you reach in the Fighter's Guild skill (you get the final quest at Fighter's Guild lvl 5), will get you another quest. You should see the most annoying, irritating, migraine inducing, NPC named Bera Moorsmith shouting at you whenever you even remotely come in range of the guildhall. She will chase you down too, because she has to be the most irritating person in the world.

6) Undaunted
-To join the Undaunted: If you are AD speak to Turuk Redclaws in the Salted Wings Tavern in Vulkhel Guard. If you are DC, speak to Mighty Mordra in The Rosy Lion in Daggerfall. If you are EP, speak to Kailstig the Axe atThe Fish Stink in Davon's Watch. All of these locations are inns located in your alliance's starting city.
-At this point you should already be past level 50. So you can start doing undaunted dungeons! The order for this is purely in what order it is listed in game, as these dungeons all came out at the same time. Do normal one's first, and then go back and do vet when you feel you are ready for it. This is going to be same for al trials and dungeons listed further.

-Fungal Grotto I
-Fungal Grotto 2
-Spindleclutch I
-Spindleclutch II
-The Banished Cells I
-The Banished Cells II
-Darkshade Caverns I
-Darkshade Caverns II
-Elden Hollow I
-Elden Hollow II
-Wayrest Sewers I
-Wayrest Sewers II
-Arx Corinium
-City of Ash I
-City of Ash II
-Crypt of Hearts I
-Crypt of Hearts II
-Direfrost Keep
-Tempest Island
-Blackheart Haven
-Selene's Web
-Vaults of Madness

7) Craglorn
-Talk to the Star-Gazer Herald in your alliance's capital to start the main quest in this zone. Which can be done solo.
-Hel Ra Citadel Trial
-Atherian Archive Trial
-Sanctum Ophidia Trial
-Dragonstar Arena (4 people)

8 ) Imperial City
-Again this is not about PvP. There is the main quest in IC, as well as bosses, skyshards, locales, and other PvE things in there you can grab.
-White Gold Tower Undaunted Dungeon
-Imperial City Prison Undaunted Dungeon

9) Orsinium
-First quest is found in the starter city of your alliance. Talk to Stuga. Who is also an incredibly annoying, hard to miss NPC.
-Maelstrom Arena (1 person)

10) Thieves’ Guild (Hew’s Bane Zone)
-To begin the first quest, talk to Quen in any Outlaw Refuge.
-Maw of Lorkhaj Trial

11) Dark Brotherhood (Gold Coast Zone)
-To begin the first quest, speak to Amelie Crowe at any outlaw refuge.

12) Shadows of the Hist
-Ruin’s of Mazzatun Undaunted Dungeon
-Cradle of Shadow’s Undaunted Dungeon

13) Horns of the Reach
-Falkreath Hold Undaunted Dungeon
-Bloodroot Forge Undaunted Dungeon

15) Morrowind Chapter (Vvardenfell Zone)
-Prologue quest come’s first before zone (The Missing Prophecy). Speak to Alessio Guillon at any major tavern to begin.
-To begin the first Morrowind quest, take a boat to Vvardenfell, and speak to Canon Valasa, who will be east of Seyda Neen.
-Halls of Fabrication Trial

16) Clockwork City
-Prologue quest come’s first once more (Of Knives and Long Shadows). Read the Order of the Eye Dispatch from any Mage’s Guild Hall to begin.
-To begin the main quest, speak to Eldrasea Deras in Mournhold OR a projection of Lilatha will appear in Mournhold, the treasury in Wayrest, or the treasury in Elden Root. But only if you did the prologue quest for Clockwork first.
-Asylum Sanctorium Trial

17) Dragon Bones
-Fang Lair Undaunted Dungeon
-Scalecaller Peak Undaunted Dungeon

18) Summerset Chapter
-Prologue Quest comes first (Through a Veil Darkly). Speak to Vanus Galerion in the Mage’s Guild of your alliance’s starting city.
-To start the Summerset quest, go to Summerset and speak to either Razum-dar or Calibar, found near the Shimmerene Wayshrine.
-Cloudrest Trial

19) Psijic Order
-You can only obtain the starting quest after finishing the Queen’s Decree quest in Summerset. Once that is done, in the Artaeum Zone, speak to Loremaster Celarus to begin the quest.
-Each level in the Psijic Order Skill Line will give you another quest to do. Return to either Josajeh or Celarus to obtain the next quest.

20) Wolfhunter
-Moonhunter Keep Undaunted Dungeon
-March of Sacrifices Undaunted Dungeon

21) Murkmire
-Prologue quest can be obtained by Concordia Mercius (Ruthless Competition), who is near the wayshrine of your alliance’s starting city.
-The first quest can be found in Murkmire, in the city of Lilmoth. Speak to Famia Mercius.
-Blackrose Prison Arena (4 people)

22) Wrathstone
-Frostvault Depths Undaunted Dungeon
-Depths of Malatar Undaunted Dungeon

23) Elsweyr Chapter (Northern Elsweyr Zone)
-Prologue Quest can be obtained by EITHER by speaking to Anais Davaux found outside your alliance’s starting city. OR speaking to Abnur Tharn in the Vulkhel Guard Manor & Treasury, the Davon's Watch Mages Guildhall, or Daggerfall Castle. (The Demon Weapon)
-The first quest for the chapter is from Anais Davaux again. Who can be found in the city of Rimmen. Or you can find Abnur Tharn in Riverhold.
-Sunspire Trial

24) Scalebreaker
-Lair of Maarselok Undaunted Dungeon
-Moongrave Fane Undaunted Dungeon

25) Dragonhold (Southern Elsweyr Zone)
-The prologue quest (The Demon Weapon) can be obtained by either Kasura or to Hinzuur. Who can be found just outside the gate’s of your alliance’s starting city.
-The first quest for the zone can be found in the city, Senchal. The quest giver is Sai Sahan, who can be found brooding in front of the palace.

26) Harrowstorm
-Icereach Undaunted Dungeon
-Unhallowed Grave Undaunted Dungeon

27) Greymoor (Western Skyrim/ Blackreach Zones)
-The prologue quest (The Coven Conspiracy) can be started by going to the fighter’s guild hall in your alliance’s starting city and speaking to Lyris Titanborn.
-The first quest for Greymoor can be obtained by Brondold, who can be found running towards you near the wayshrine OUTSIDE of Solitude.
-Antiquities. While not a questline (except the one to get the skill), you can obtain the ability to hunt for antiquities by speaking to Verita Numida in the Antiquarians Circle building located in Solitude.
-Kyne’s Aegis Trial

28) Stonethorn
-Stone Garden Undaunted Dungeon
-Castle Thorn Undaunted Dungeon

29) Markarth (The Reach Zone)
-The prologue quest can be obtained from Gwendis (The Ravenwatch Inquiry), who is outside of your alliance’s starting city.
-The first quest for the Markarth Zone can be obtained by Count Verandis, who is found just outside of Markarth.
-Vateshran Hollows Arena (1 person)

30) Flame’s of Ambition
-Blackdrake Villa Undaunted Dungeon
-The Cauldron Undaunted Dungeon

31) Blackwood Chapter
-The prologue quest can be obtained by Rogatus Cinna in your alliance’s capital city (A Mortal's Touch).
-The questline in Blackwood can be started by speaking to Brigadine Antonius, who like all the rude NPCs in the game, will be shouting at you. You can find him in any city in the Blackwood zone.
-Companions. You can find each companion in front of separate delves. Speak to them, complete their quest, in order to obtain them. Bastion can be found in Southern Blackwood in front of Deepscorn Hollow. While Mirri can be found in Northern Blackwood in front of Doomvault Vulpinaz.
-Rockgrove Trial

32) Waking Flame
-Red Petal Bastion Undaunted Dungeon
-Dread Cellar Undaunted Dungeon

33) Deadlands (Fargrave & The Deadlands Zones)

-Prologue Quest can be obtained by Rogatina Cinna found at your alliance’s capital (An Apocalyptic Situation).
-Deadlands Zone quest can be obtained by the Anchorite, who is outside of the most southern wayshrine in the Fargrave Zone.

So this is the list I have so far. You can do exactly the way I have laid it out here. Change things up. Do things differently. Put it in a chart, or print it out and cross things off. It does not matter to me. I wanted to just place a quick guide up here for anyone that wanted to have an actual order to do things in. Hope this is helpful to some people out there, who might be confused on where to start off! It's a big game!

Edited by ZOS_Volpe on February 18, 2022 8:14PM
  • NeeScrolls
    This is only for anyone who wants to play the game by the order of release,

    . Hope this is helpful to some people out there, who might be confused on where to start off! It's a big game!
    Good thought , but i'm guessing you probably haven't seen these other more robust duplicate sticky threads yet: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/525351/a-clear-step-by-step-guide-to-playing-eso-in-chronological-order/p1 (from a different forum section though ) ...as well as: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/413807/what-order-should-i-do-esos-story-arcs-a-guide/p1 (from this very same section you posted in, stickied there up top ^ )
    Edited by NeeScrolls on February 20, 2022 5:42PM
  • RisenEclipse
    NeeScrolls wrote: »
    Good thought , but i'm guessing you probably haven't seen these other more robust duplicate sticky threads yet: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/525351/a-clear-step-by-step-guide-to-playing-eso-in-chronological-order/p1 (from a different forum section though ) ...as well as: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/413807/what-order-should-i-do-esos-story-arcs-a-guide/p1 (from this very same section you posted in, stickied there up top ^ )

    This was actually posted in General before it was moved here by mods lol In fact I had no idea the other threads existed as the player guide section gets looked over very rarely. I originally posted it because there was so many people questioning both in game and in other threads in general on how to play the game properly (there was a guy in general who thought blackwood is where you started the game). Further attesting to the fact that this section of the forums... doesnt get looked over at all.
  • VaranisArano
    Nice writeup. The more guides, the merrier!

  • maxxy55b14_ESO
    Thank you for the write-up. I am just starting to play. A lot to this game for sure, I was wondering, if I start in chronological order, do you still get the companion to level them up, or do you wait until they were introduced to the game? I am really, really new, so I am not sure when they were brought into the game?
  • VaranisArano
    Thank you for the write-up. I am just starting to play. A lot to this game for sure, I was wondering, if I start in chronological order, do you still get the companion to level them up, or do you wait until they were introduced to the game? I am really, really new, so I am not sure when they were brought into the game?

    Companions are introduced in the latest content. So to get Mirri and Bastian, you need to do their delve quests in Blackwood. To get the new Companions coming in High Isle, you'll need to go there to do their quests.

    So if you want a Companion from the beginning, you will need to do that quest out of chronological order. It's not a big deal, though.
  • maxxy55b14_ESO
    Thank you.
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