hi there, not sure if you're already in a GUILD (or even looking for one , to help increase more nice players to potentially group with) but feel free to check us out here sometime: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/470164/kom-knights-of-masser-from-2013-beta-is-back-and-recruiting-again-na-casual/p1freddybob951 wrote: »My main toon is a healer and I enjoy going for achievements whether is for a mount, title, dye or even just for the points.
I am looking for people who also enjoy getting achievements and enjoy learning and don't mind repeating dungeons to get good at them and complete achievements.
Feel free to PM me or send me a friend request @freddybob951 in-game.
NeeScrolls wrote: »hi there, not sure if you're already in a GUILD (or even looking for one , to help increase more nice players to potentially group with) but feel free to check us out here sometime: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/470164/kom-knights-of-masser-from-2013-beta-is-back-and-recruiting-again-na-casual/p1
I'm def. an 'achievement hunter' myself....although my playtimes are sorta random these days.