Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

What things have you done to improve performance of ESO?

Since we are talking about performance lately, let's talk about tips and tricks

Have you adjusted your userfile? Maybe you use a VPN?

What things have improved your personal performance?
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on May 8, 2022 7:51PM
  • ccfeeling
    Fiber network a little bit help, SSD, leave Cyrodiil , leave 12 man trial, combat text off, voice off, play at non peak hours.
  • EdmondDontes
    I paid for ESO+ for 7 years. It's up to ZOS to do the rest when it comes to improving performance.
  • wolfie1.0.
    Since we are talking about performance lately, let's talk about tips and tricks

    Have you adjusted your userfile? Maybe you use a VPN?

    What things have improved your personal performance?

    In my experience: vpns have not brought any performance increases.

    Increasing isp internet speed and bandwidth has not brought any significant performance increases

    Built a new pc rig: ryzen 5 5600x, 32 gb 3600 ddr4 ram, rtx 3070ti, NVMe ssd where eso is installed. I also have tried using an 5600 with a 3060ti, 4800 laptop with 2060 mobile, and a 5600g using the APUs on board graphics. While each has different graphics abilities not much difference in gamplay performance (that I can tell so far)

    Biggest performance improvement I have managed? Deleted master merchant. Deleted Harvest map. Removing addons has made a major difference during the login process.

    That said. Even with addons disabled and completely removed from pc. I still experience a lot of the following regardlessof the computer hardware or internet connection:

    Lag spikes
    Frozen characters
    Character animation locks
    Skills not firing
    Inability to trigger LA or HA
    10 to 30 minute (or infinite) 1 second login queue.
    Infinite loading screens
    Among others

    There's only so much I can do on my end. And if my system needs updating to play eso without all of that then the games minimal requirements are wrong.

    Basically I have come to the conclusion that the only thing players can really do is remove resource intensive addons and hope someone remembered to feed the server hamsters at ZOS's server hosting site.
  • Aardappelboom
    I have some packet loss on xbox sometimes and often hard restarting the xbox fixes this. Mostly this fixes any trouble I have in BG or PVE, cyrdodiil is another case obviously, but that's something we can't fix.
  • Tandor
    I've never had any significant performance issues, although I don't do PvP or group content, nor am I in any guilds. Both my desktops are 11-13 years old with the only significant changes to them being mid-range graphics cards fitted about 3-5 years ago. One machine has Windows 10, the other Windows 7 with 0patch protection. Both machines have a single HDD. Ingame settings are fairly high.

    I have maintained a pretty flawless performance since launch and I think the factors behind that include the fact that I don't use any addons although I play on both PC servers from the UK (with little if any difference between them), I have wired connections for internet, mouse and keyboard, and I don't update any drivers unless there's a good reason to do so - if it ain't broke I don't fix it. As such my Nvidia graphics drivers are probably 2 or 3 years old. I have a good internet connection through Virgin Media, currently 200mbps although it was a lot less when the game launched.
  • Xinihp
    Personal contributions:

    Added event filters to Srendarr for massive performance gain.

    Added 100ms OnUpdate filter and other optimizations to LootDrop Reborn for major gains.

    Many other performance-conscious features in numerous other addons.

    Biggest config-based improvement:

    In \Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\UserSettings.txt make sure SET MaxCoresToUse.4, SET RequestedNumJobThreads, and SET RequestedNumWorkerThreads are all set to "-1" (which is auto-detect).

    Set video/PC power performance to "Prefer Max Performance."

    Biggest non-config improvement:

    Run ESO from a separate designated SSD gaming drive (load screens reduced by orders of magnitude).

    Edited by Xinihp on May 8, 2022 6:29PM
  • Jaraal
    Task Manager > Details > ESO.exe> right click> Set Priority> High

    Windows Update> Delivery Optimization> Advanced Option> Absolute Bandwidth> Limit Bandwidth> enter 0.2 mbps

    Turn off grass.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • ZOS_Hadeostry

    This thread has been moved to the Players Helping Players section, as it is better suited there.

    Staff Post
  • Mesite
    I thought mine slowed down with a VPN . I assumed it was because it was bouncing my signal around the world but I'm not sure how VPNs work.
    My latest laptop has an SSD but the SSD isnt very big so I can't install ESO using the normal launcher AND using steam.
    I'm not usually one for using add ons but I downloaded loads today so I can work on my dps
  • Elsonso
    Xinihp wrote: »
    Biggest non-config improvement:

    Run ESO from a separate designated SSD gaming drive (load screens reduced by orders of magnitude).

    Yup. SSD or go home. :smile:
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • EozZoe1989
    pc parts inside a pc are the main thing that runs a pc-- logic and i bet you going to say well i know that but did you know those parts have different rates of performance.. anf there are so many types of each part for pc.. the graphics card does video and input to screen . the ram cpu and other things do all different things.. to make the pc run smooth and make the pc look good on screen .. but if have lower end parts.. of course its going to run slower and have lag.. also feel like its games fault when its not sometimes its the pc and owner who do not replace the parts.. when things break we need replace them or fix them. recycle parts that don't work... and replace broken ones that dont work anyone.. before you get a pc remember to do your research - look for thing sin your budget that run for the games you play.. we need to look at the design maybe too if in to that lol but the focus is the specs.. and how good you want it to look .. what kinda screen you have and what type parts are in market at cheap price in your budget some get second hand parts while others.. buy brand-new.. remember when buying second hand take a friend to help make sure you dont get fooled.. and make sure parts run and are not old parts form 90s lol or 2000s . else pc wont run good.. need something 3 to 5 years old-- of anything.. meaning when the product was made.. .. i know some things about pcs beacuse my bf.. i feel like iam still learning but i know one thing.. pc needs to be newish to feel and look good..
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