seecodenotgames wrote: »Furnishing mats like mundane runes will now be available via the new card game. Not sure how many will play this game but hopefully enough will be generated casually that it should make them a little more available.
everseeing_njpreub18_ESO wrote: »Legit question.
I assume if you need so many you use them to make furniture to sell? Wouldn't making them available so cheap also crash the furniture market as no one will by a chair for 50k if the mats are now only 200g, making it less viable and causing many crafters to move on to other things to make money and thereby making furniture harder to get?
everseeing_njpreub18_ESO wrote: »Legit question.
I assume if you need so many you use them to make furniture to sell? Wouldn't making them available so cheap also crash the furniture market as no one will by a chair for 50k if the mats are now only 200g, making it less viable and causing many crafters to move on to other things to make money and thereby making furniture harder to get?
seecodenotgames wrote: »Furnishing mats like mundane runes will now be available via the new card game.
everseeing_njpreub18_ESO wrote: »Legit question.
I assume if you need so many you use them to make furniture to sell? Wouldn't making them available so cheap also crash the furniture market as no one will by a chair for 50k if the mats are now only 200g, making it less viable and causing many crafters to move on to other things to make money and thereby making furniture harder to get?
Not sure why they don't let us craft things like mundane runes at the enchanting station? Or upgrade wood to heartwood at the WW station? Make a daily limit so it doesn't have a huge effect on the economy. Hell, even make a crafting questine to improve a skill to enable us to craft it.
seecodenotgames wrote: »Furnishing mats like mundane runes will now be available via the new card game.
It's part of the game economy. There is no reason of anything to be at the price they are at beside supply and demand.
If its too expensive for you, just farm them, with some craft tree CP, it isn't really hard.
It's part of the game economy. There is no reason of anything to be at the price they are at beside supply and demand.
If its too expensive for you, just farm them, with some craft tree CP, it isn't really hard.
zetavivern wrote: »This is a real issue. Just a year ago heartwood used to sell for 400g, now it's over 1000g. In one year. Did the players start making 2.5 times more gold to accomodate the inflation? I don't think so. The player-driven economics used to work fine when the Housing just launched, but we got dozens of houses and hundreds of recipes since then, the Housing has become an endgame content for many players, yet the rate at which those resources are generated hasn't grown much. Player-driven economics in general is a very hard thing to manage, and inflation is almost inevitable, but it can be mitigated or compensated for.
There are many good suggestions in this thread on how to solve the issue. Personally I think that at the very least the drop rate of furnishing mats should be doubled, they should be dropped from surveys, and maybe they should be available for purchase from NPCs for gold (not for alliance points or any other currency, because that will just create more problems with those currencies). I also doubt that the mats' drop rate from the card game is going to be anywhere near sufficient with all the other possible rewards in the pool.
redspecter23 wrote: »[snip] They set the drop rate on materials and also set the amounts needed. They are the supply and the demand to a certain extent. Do furnishings really need to have a 15 Mundane Rune requirement? Remember that a real, actual person decided on that number and there is a reason for it. If we knew the reason, we probably wouldn't be too happy. These recipes could require 1 or 2 Mundane runes each and a conscious decision is being made to have them require a very certain amount. They aren't using dart board math here. They are doing this intentionally.
It would be nice if these mats were sold at a vendor for 50g each. Really at that point, they could just remove the need for them altogether and it would be about the same. However, either of these situations are in direct conflict with my previous point. [snip] That is the core issue and the problem that needs to be solved first. Figure out why ZOS wants it to be so difficult to craft furnishings in large quantities. Why do they want a bottleneck due to certain materials like Mundane Runes? Go directly to the "fun police" and look for your answers. It would be great to have some transparency on why they feel the need to make this system overly expensive and/or time consuming.