Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24

Functional Housing

It would be nice to give actual reasons to go into our house besides designing and placing expensive mundus stones everywhere.
I would like to request better interactions with ideal furniture, with actual uses.

Some ideas.

Beds: (CP experience boost) Can be used for logging off ESO, Beds give additional CP bonus gains over time (even just a little)- Can be interacted to actually sleep on. If possible your character will stay on the bed when you log off. (Similar to WOW's sitting in an in to get rest exp.
Chairs: (Food Duration) Eating while sitting on a chair adds a small extension to the duration/ If eating close to another player this effect is doubled.
Paintings: ( Inspiration Boost ) Inspects painting and gains crafting inspirations exp bonus for crafting
Game Tables : Play mini games, like the new tales of tribute.

All passives are better depending on item rarity/quality

Non Furniture buffs

Party Buffs. When 2 or more people are within your house for atleast 5 minutes gain 5% damage for 30 minutes.

Misci Ideas
Be able to set any house in the world as yours or your friends for a more immersive feel. than every house being yours but abandoned and empty.
  • NettleCarrier
    I'd love to run an Inn in my guild hall, lol. That said, "performance" will make this impossible.
    GM of Gold Coast Corsairs - PCNA
  • Cireous
    Laying on beds and sitting on chairs and remaining there on logout. Buffs added within housing. Gatherable vegetation and limited lootable furnishings. Dungeon joining tables, battle ground joining tables, mini game joining tables. Companions emoting, playing games. Houseguests with clothing changes. Multiple houses available for show to the public, sign-ins at the door. Pajamas for everyone.

    I agree, housing could be so much more :p

  • everseeing_njpreub18_ESO
    I'm all for more "flavor" things in house, like the house-guest emotes/actions, pets you can interact with, mounts, "fishing nodes" only for the emote, some sort of crop planters or farms again for the look, the dungeon queue table and such would be a nice "adventure room" furnishing, etc.

    But once you add actual "useful" stuff like buffs, balance can start to be an issue.

    Right now I can sell trash, breakdown stuff, practice on dummies, sell stolen loot (at a loss), access my bank and storage, as well as craft most things i might need to. On top of (which i don't have but some do) mundus stones and the newer ultimate restore thing. So there is a good amount of things that can be done "in home".

    Some of your suggestions could certainly add more life to housing, but i think they are trying to balance things a bit so you don't end up with everyone in there homes and deserted cities. SWTOR had some of these issues, i could do basically everything i needed from my house and almost never went to the HUB which left them feeling very empty.

    Examples would be like farming/gathering crafting nodes or fishing, its a nice thought, a little touch, but if its only 1-2 whats the point, if you can have 50 why ever leave the house? If i can grab, do and hand in my dailies, repair my equipment, access the auction houses, same issue.

  • Eric_Prince
    I'd be happy even if we could just interact with bed to lie on it, actually use bath an so on.
    To be the Chosen One really sounds like lots of fun,
    But in the end you'll just be someone's lunch
  • WraithCaller88
    I'd be happy even if we could just interact with bed to lie on it, actually use bath an so on.

    Stares wistfully at his Regal Sauna Pool, Two Person
  • Commandment
    I'm all for more "flavor" things in house, like the house-guest emotes/actions, pets you can interact with, mounts, "fishing nodes" only for the emote, some sort of crop planters or farms again for the look, the dungeon queue table and such would be a nice "adventure room" furnishing, etc.

    But once you add actual "useful" stuff like buffs, balance can start to be an issue.

    Right now I can sell trash, breakdown stuff, practice on dummies, sell stolen loot (at a loss), access my bank and storage, as well as craft most things i might need to. On top of (which i don't have but some do) mundus stones and the newer ultimate restore thing. So there is a good amount of things that can be done "in home".

    Some of your suggestions could certainly add more life to housing, but i think they are trying to balance things a bit so you don't end up with everyone in there homes and deserted cities. SWTOR had some of these issues, i could do basically everything i needed from my house and almost never went to the HUB which left them feeling very empty.

    Examples would be like farming/gathering crafting nodes or fishing, its a nice thought, a little touch, but if its only 1-2 whats the point, if you can have 50 why ever leave the house? If i can grab, do and hand in my dailies, repair my equipment, access the auction houses, same issue.

    There is way too many dailies to have people sitting in there homes. Then we have wb, and delve dailies, auction house. People still need to leave there house regardless.. Not to mention there is no general chat in houses that are universal like in swtor. Mount Trainers, Undaunted pledges, ect.Cities will go empty when they do a universal ah and remove guild trader and have a kiosk that gives you all the dailies in tamriel.

    I don't think housing buffs will be a big problem, as everyone gets a free room voucher in the beginning. Some of the ones I listed requires more than one person in the house to activate. Then we also have a visitor cap, so no single guild can invite everyone in the server as only 24 people can enter a house at a time.

    As for Balance, everyone can do it, it doesn't benefit someone more than the other. Its a small learning curve as how people don't know how to use potions, poisons, and food at the beginning. We should incentivize people to get together, and socialize more in a mmoRPG.

    Will a few people stay in there homes? Maybe, but theres just way too many activities in the overworld to do for that to happen.

    Only Daily I could see being a house feature, is the crafting dailies, which is most likely gonna be similar to a mundus, stone cash shop exclusive.

    Besides Housing is one of ESO's biggest cash cows and feature. Housing should be more essential in some way.

  • katanagirl1
    I mentioned this a long time ago, but I would like to see something added that would encourage players to visit other players’ houses.

    If you’re like me you are busy doing Endeavors and dailies, and if you have crafting tables in your home and dummies, there is no real reason to go to another player’s home. We put so much work into these spaces, I wish there was some kind of weekly showcase for some of the really cool houses out there. No sure how those houses would be selected though, just throwing out an idea.
    Khajiit Stamblade main
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP
    Dark Elf Magden
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Khajiit Stamina Arcanist

    PS5 NA
  • kind_hero
    For me, the best thing to improve houses is to add teleportation portals that I can place and thus be able to travel quickly in various places of the house back and forth. This would give us the possibility of creating secret areas, build up (a tower in the sky) or just fast travel across some very large housing spaces.
    Also, creating portals to other houses would be great. There is an addon that does this, but not everyone uses it.

    When we got grappling hooks, I believe it was with Elsweyr, I thought that would make an awesome addition to housing, because people could create challenges or mini games with a series of grappling hooks. But years have passed and nothing happened in this regard.

    Regarding beds and other such items. I don't really need a buff. Simply being able to use the bed, couch, bathtub, interact with a sculpture/painting etc would make visiting a house much more fun.

    I still hope for a guild castle mode, one that would enable the repair and guild bank/store functionality. OK, maybe having these inside everyone's house might empty the world a bit, I can understand this concern, but having it in a guild castle is a step in between these two, and should work. Besides, after all these years, a guild can't have an "official" HQ, one that would display its banner and hold whatever the guild members need.
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
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